Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety 1 Please read this before using presentation This presentation is based on content presented at the Exploration Safety Roadshow held in November 2008 It is made available for non-commercial use (e.g. toolbox meetings) subject to the condition that the PowerPoint file is not altered without permission from Resources Safety Supporting resources, such as brochures and posters, are available from Resources Safety For resources, information or clarification, please contact: or visit
Toolbox presentation: Overview of some exploration hazards
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Drill sites and drilling Moving rigs and vehicles Overhead or underground power lines Site layout Rigging up Housekeeping Drilling operations Compressors, pumps and high pressure equipment Gases encountered during drilling
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Drill sites and drilling continued Consider for contract or joint operating procedures: Communication between exploration company personnel and contractor’s personnel Appointment of those accountable for safety on site Competency-based training of both principal and contractor personnel Minimum acceptable safety standards Equipment and system audits Accident and incident reporting procedures
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Bush sense and survival Supply, use and maintenance of compass, maps, GPS radios, signalling devices, emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRBS) first aid and survival kits Adequacy of radio communications for area to be travelled Reporting schedule Adequacy of schedule – safety margins, workings hours Emergency food, water, clothing, survival kits First aid and survival training
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Vehicles Accidents Lack of or inadequate driver training Inattention and fatigue Poor visibility Excessive speed Not driving to road conditions Not fit to drive Poor vehicle maintenance Other injuries Vibration or poor seating Jacking, winching, hitching, loading operations
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Tools and equipment Fit for purpose Maintained Lifting gear labelled inspected and maintained Registered Power tools and welding equipment adequacy of training standard operating procedures suitable earth protection and fuses voltage reducing devices for welding equipment tagging and testing portable equipment and RCDs
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection Resources Safety Tracks, gridlines and other earthworks Standard work procedures for gridlines, excavation, and working and sampling in trenches, costeans and pits Separation of heavy and earthmoving equipment from pedestrians and light vehicles Formal communications system between equipment operator and those on foot or in light vehicles