NCOA Leadership Immersive Training Workshop NCOES Interim Assessment Report John Sparks, Director, INCOPD 26 Jan 2010
Agenda Purpose Data Collection Strategy Elements Evaluated – Training Analysis – Learning & Instructional Design – Instructor Strategies – Learning-to-Learn (L2L) Strategies The Way Ahead
Needs Assessment Purpose Examine ways to improve NCOES instructor effectiveness – Are evidence-based learning practices used in NCO course analysis, design, development and implementation? – What root causes prevent us from using evidence- based learning practices?
Training Analysis Instructional Design Instructor Strategies Learning to Learn On-Line Survey Lesson Evaluations On-site Interviews On-site Observations Needs Assessment Data Collection
Element Evaluated Criteria: Job-Performance based Multiple expert SMES with recent (3-6 mos) field experience Results: Approximately 30% of instruction is designed without accurate task analysis data Root Causes: Access to SMEs is very limited Task content changes are too frequent to conduct analysis Workforce is not highly skilled at analysis and does not perform it often Military developers receive little or no training on task analysis Training Analysis
Element Evaluated Criteria: NCOES Course/Lesson Design Checklist (evidence-based principles) Results: Fundamental principles of instruction are not applied in most lessons – Lessons primarily deliver information to students, lack demonstration and opportunities to practice new information in job relevant situations Root Causes: Most courseware revisions are based on existing courseware design rather than on learning principles Military and civilian personnel are not aware of current learning research Training developers have limited experience with complex scenario development, technology and multimedia design Training is not available for training developers Learning & Instructional Design
Element Evaluated Criteria: Observations/NCOES Needs Assessment Instructor Checklist Results: Military personnel perform exceptionally well despite limited instructor training, short rotations, and limited knowledge of concepts, principles, and theories of teaching and learning, but…….. Root Causes: Military instructors are primarily SMEs ABIC and SGI are not enough; need additional training Instructors are not trained well enough for administrative functions (e.g. counseling, academic reports, etc.) Instructor selection process is not always successful Instructor Strategies
Element Evaluated Criteria: NCOES Course/Lesson Design Checklist (evidence-based principles) Results: Little or no awareness of L2L strategies Root Causes: Not enough training time to consider the bigger picture --development of lifelong learning skills Until recently, little emphasis was placed on strategies to become better learners L-2-L training is not available for instructors and designers Perception that it is the instructor’s responsibility and L-2-L strategies do not need to be included in the lesson design Students don’t think they are accountable to become better learners – Poor grades are blamed on the instructor or the courseware Learning-to-Learn (L2L) Strategies
Way Ahead Training Tomorrow’s NCO Corps IndustryAcademia
Contact Information Mr. John Sparks (757) DSN: Dr. Millie Abell (757) DSN: Ms. Roberta Sparkman (757) DSN: Mr. Gary Rauchfuss (757) DSN:
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Phase II Site Visits Include: USASMA Combat Arms: Fort Sill, Fort Benning Combat Service Support: Fort Lee, Fort Eustis Combat Support: Fort Leonard-Wood, Fort Huachuca, Fort Rucker Site Visits
Phase I Develop instruments Course/lesson checklist Survey Instructor observation checklist Phase II interview questions Pilot instruments Phase I Data collection/coding Evaluate sample lessons Conduct survey Phase I data analysis Revise interview questions Phase II data collection Observe instructors Conduct interviews Phase II data analysis Produce report Develop action plan Phase II NCOES Front End Analysis Timeline 9 Oct Oct 15 FEB 25 Nov 20 Nov 10 NOV 8 MAR 26 MAR Revise instruments 20 Oct Course/lesson data call 9 Oct 09 Pilot interview questions 20 Nov Produce interim report 25 Nov