America vs. England Strengths and Weaknesses


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Presentation transcript:

America vs. England Strengths and Weaknesses

America (Colonies)- Strengths 1. Great Commander-in-Chief: George Washington 2. Location: fighting on familiar land to protect homes and freedom 3. Pioneer life had prepared them for the hardships of war

America (Colonies)- Strengths 4. They were used to rifles and muskets (hunters) 5. Military experience: French and Indian War (12 years earlier) 6. Military and financial aid from foreign countries (Spain, France, and the Netherlands)

America - Weaknesses 1. 33%-50% of the people were loyalists/Tories Loyalist – opposed the revolution and were loyal to the King 2. Very weak financial resources; Continental currency (paper money) was issued in great amounts. Therefore it was worthless. 3. Very little manufacturing facilities; they had to rely on other countries for help

America - Weaknesses 4. Had shortages of supplies and ammunition 5. short term enlistment of soldiers 6. Soldiers were not used to military discipline 7. Lacked a strong navy 8. Weak and ineffective central government (Second continental congress)

1. Soldiers were well – equipped and well – trained England - Strengths 1. Soldiers were well – equipped and well – trained 2. Had a very strong navy A. Blockaded the American coast B. Helped in troop transport 3. Hired Hessians – German soldiers hired to fight

4. Had support of the Loyalists 5. Had enough money England - Strengths 4. Had support of the Loyalists 5. Had enough money 6. Had enough manufacturing facilities to make the supplies that they needed

2. Took months before supplies or troops could reach the colonies. England - Weaknesses 1. 3,000 miles away from home 2. Took months before supplies or troops could reach the colonies. 3. Redcoats were not used to the countryside. They lived in cities. 4. Bright redcoats made excellent targets 5. Unfamiliar with guerrilla warfare