Introduction Scoutsmap & FOSwiki 2 products for our scout leaders. They are complementary: Scoutsmap = static, ‘official’ articles developed by the national programmeteam FOSwiki = dynamic, more backgroundinformation, every leader and volunteer can write articles
Contents Articles developed by the national programmeteam. Paperwork, administration, preparations, reports, … 7 themes: your branche, members and leadership, activities, camp, unit, FOS Open Scouting, extra
It’s our purpose to distribute a map to every leader for free. We distribute the maps on our national events, training courses, …
FOS had a problem… Knowledge was spread around the organization: National office At the homes of national volunteers Local groups Hard to find information about a topic Not enough bottom-up input for our publications.
Using ICT in scouting Computers, internet, social network sites, … are everywhere Young people (scouts!) = early adapters ICT can help you to improve your way of working Users aren’t bound to a location or a timestamp But don’t use it just because you can!
The FOS approach… Special interactive website To share scout-related knowledge Everyone can add and edit all information Professionals, volunteers, members, external parties, … Everyone is a moderator ! Single point of knowledge
Current situation Wiki contains all sorts of information: Technical subjects (e.g. pioneering) Scouting songs, games, … Articles and courses Info on local groups And lots more ! Information on wiki is now used to make publications Wiki shows who we are and what we know
R OUNDUP AND Q UESTIONS Come and think with us…