Experienced teacher (28 years in Kyrene) Committed to excellence & best practices Teaching Style: firm but fair Every child is capable; every child is a leader Emphasis: building confidence and competence in all my students Student and Parent Relationships are really important to me
Class Newsletters ( ) communication School Newsletter ( ) Report Cards (end of each quarter) Conferences (October and March) Other s, phone calls, notes, meetings as needed
Water Bottles: bring sock or place on paper towel Send in another sock for dry erase eraser Restroom: students may go as needed but encouraged to go at transitions, snack, recess, lunch Snacks: students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks to eat in the morning (candy is not the best) No toys or other objects that may distract
I believe in establishing boundaries so that we have the best possible learning environment. Behavior Contracts Natural consequences Star Slips Focus on Leadership Leader of the Week
Reinforces skills, builds responsibility and work habits, deepens understanding Daily homework should be written in their planner Parents: Please check homework to ensure it is accurate and complete and sign initials in top right corner. Thank you! Classwork that was not finished in the allotted time may become additional homework that day. Type to Learn
5 th grade guidelines are 50 minutes per day for 5 th graders. In addition to reading their literature book for 20+minutes per day: Monday: Math and Spelling Tuesday: Math and Vocabulary Wednesday: Math and Reading Thursday: Math and other (as assigned) Quarterly Current Event (there will be a calendar with 5 students presenting each Friday) Quarterly Book Celebrations/Projects 1 st quarter: Realistic Fiction 2 nd quarter: Historical Fiction 3 rd quarter: Fantasy
Homework assignments are written daily for each subject Projects and due dates will be noted in the calendar section and date they are due Write any teacher or parent issues, concerns, questions Copy of Behavior Contract
Literature and Informational Text Balance reading literature over a range of genres and informational text Focus on: o Key ideas and details (cite, summarize main idea & details, compare/contrast story elements) o Craft and structure (vocabulary, figurative language, text structure o Integrate knowledge and ideas (multiple texts/sources) o Use both the anthology and literature studies Close Reading Strategy
Different text types and purposes (Narrative, Opinion, Informational) Organization/structure appropriate to task, purpose, audience (Thinking Maps for planning) Research to build and present knowledge research, analysis, and reflection 6 Traits or 4 point scale to score products Writing skills are integrated with literature studies, social studies, science, and math
Develop Multiplication and Division Strategies Solve problems and understand volume Use equivalency to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions Classify and measure 2D geometric figures Perform and expand understanding of place value to decimals Refine multiplication and its connection to division Represent algebraic thinking Solve problems with fractional quantities Understand the relationship between multiplication and division
Research skills Exploration and colonization of America American Revolution Westward Expansion Civil War Economics (Jr. Achievement) Structure and functions of government Geography Current Events
To enhance our Social Studies curriculum and provide a resource for Current Events presentations, we are requesting $6 per student for an individual weekly subscription to Time For Kids. Please make checks payable to: Estrella PTO Thank you!
Scientific Method Matter and Energy Forces and Motion Earth and Space Human body Biomes Science and technology in society
Positive health behaviors and choices Basic nutrients and healthy diet Media and peer influences Growth and development Goal-setting and decision-making Reducing health risks Accessing accurate health information
We will be working on integrated projects each quarter that will combine content knowledge, writing, and technical skills. The research and student work will be completed in class. 1 st quarter: (Social Studies) multimedia presentation on an early explorer 2 nd quarter: (Science) Space Report 3 rd quarter: (Health) Body System Report 4 th quarter: (Science) Biome Project
DIBELS – beginning, middle, end of year District Assessments in ELA and Math – fall and spring AZMerit – end of grade (spring)
Students are assessed on grade-level standards. Letter grades are given in each major content area. Teachers use a variety of assessment methods to measure student performance including standard scale (percentages), performance scales (presentations, products, etc.), observations, etc. Progress Indicators are given in special areas and subcategories of content areas.
Our field trips are funded by tax credit donations. Thank you for your support! Possible trips this year include Hale Heart Center Arizona Museum for Youth (Planetarium)
Room Parent(s): Joan Koplin & Katie Sommerstedt Jr. Achievement: Jim Lipo Art Masterpiece: Carolynn White & Deborah Sullivan Class Parties/Field trips: when announced Workroom helpers: PTO Volunteer in our Classroom!
“We only get one chance to prepare children for a world none of us can possibly predict, what are we going to do with that one chance?” Principal Muriel Summers, A.B. Combs Elementary for taking the time to come learn about what your child will be doing this year!