Sequoyah Elementary Chippewa Valley Schools Home of the Thunderbirds
Preparing students today for the challenges of tomorrow. Our Vision Our Mission The Sequoyah family will provide a supportive environment that promotes active participation, communication, and sets high expectations in order to facilitate a positive, accepting learning environment that creates life-long learners.
We Believe … All students are lifelong learners. Students learn best in a risk-free, safe, nurturing environment. A supportive environment promotes creativity, growth and individuality. Active participation, communication and high expectations amongst staff are essential components of a positive learning environment. Challenge is vital to achieving students’ personal best. Valuing, understanding and accepting diversity is essential for success in a global community. A cooperative partnership between family, school and community fosters success in each individual student. Collaboration between family, staff and community promotes individual achievement and growth.
Sequoyah ~ A Closer Look Sequoyah Overview and Demographics “Soaring to Great Heights” Our School Improvement Process
Demographic Student Data Student Population
Demographic Student Data Student Population – Ethnicity Ethnic GroupsBoysGirlsTotalPercentage American Indian % Asian % African American 88162% Hispanic 4261% Caucasian % Multi-racial 83111% TOTAL
Demographic Student Data Student Population – Special Education Services Service ProvidedNumber of Students Receiving Services Resource Room 15 students Speech 45 students Teacher Consultant 10 students Social Work 44 students Bilingual Support 24 students Free/Reduced Lunch 7% of student population
Vision and Mission Set Goals Reading, Writing and Math Based on Profile and Data available Plan and Implement Determine Assessments Create Surveys for Parents, Staff, and Students Monitor and Review Results Make Data-based Decisions Instructional Strategies, Activities and Interventions Professional Development Monitor and Review Results Sequoyah Elementary’s School Improvement Process
Points of Pride
Goal: Reading All students will improve their ability to read and comprehend text across the curriculum.
Goal: Writing All students will improve their writing skills across the curriculum.
Goal: Math All students will improve their math skills across the curriculum
Goal Section Description of goal and supporting research-based strategies and activities that are utilized school-wide Samples of school-wide assessments and instructional guidelines
Sources of Data ELA Reading MEAP District-wide DRA K-2 3-Minute Reading Assessment ELA Writing MEAP District Writing Assessment K-2 Sequoyah Writing Assessment Math MEAP Assessment District-wide Math Assessment K-2 Sequoyah Math Assessment
READING: Research-based Instructional Strategies, Activities, Interventions 7 Comprehension Strategies * Story Braidy * Thinking Maps * Guided Reading – Literature Circles Making Words/Word Study Lexia/Read Naturally/BLAST *
Writing: Research-based Instructional Strategies, Activities, Interventions Being a Writer * School-wide Writing Binders Thinking Maps * Quick-writes
Math: Research-based Instructional Strategies, Activities, Interventions Polya’s Four Step Problem Solving Process* Thinking Maps * Utilizing Technology* (ex: Kidspiration, GraphClub, math websites) Annual Family Math Night Hands-on, brain-based activities * Developing Common Language
Data and Decision Making Assessment and survey data used to formulate goals, guide instruction and determine professional development needs.
SAR Standard Assessment Report
Supporting Artifacts Evidence Crates: Organized by standards Collected by staff and parent representatives Classroom Visits: Many of the strategies are visually represented throughout the building and within classrooms
Supporting Artifacts Sequoyah NCA Binder: Goal and Objectives Supporting Research on Instructional Strategies Professional Development activities School Improvement Leadership Team: If there is anything else you need, just ask For access to the website and collaborative wiki
Enjoy Your Visit … Welcome to Sequoyah Elementary