Back To School Night September 17 th, 2015
General Information - School doors 8:30, the late bell is 8:50 - Excuse cards are required for all absences - Excuse cards can be downloaded from my website. - Please make sure if your child is going home a different way to send a note in or call the office.
New This Year! 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey Trimesters Conferences Twice a Year
Specials We follow a 5 day schedule - Day 1 - CUBS with Mrs. Campbell/ Book Exchange - Day 2 - Music with Mr. Norris - Day 3 - Gym with Mrs. DiRisio/ Library with Mrs. Diodato - Day 4 - Art with Mrs. Brubaker - Day 5 - Computer with Mrs. Painter
Math - PSSA test week of April 11 th to April 22 nd (Reading and Math) - Study Island Benchmark - Multiplication Facts - Pre-test in math and group according to needs - Xtra Math/ First In Math - Daily 3
Reading/ Anthology - Grade Level - Skills and Strategies - Whole Group Instruction - Phonics
Reading/ Guided Reading - Instructional level - Smaller, flexible groups - Reinforcing anthology skills & strategies at the students own independent reading level - Daily 5- Independent activities
Reading Clinics/ TIER 3 - Clinic - Small, flexible groups - Grouped by skills, based on need
Science Themes Study Guides will be sent home prior to the test. Look for the test dates in the newsletter and agendas! - Space - Simple Machines - Rocks, Soil, and Fossils - Nutrition and Digestion - Pennsylvania Agriculture
Social Studies Themes - Elizabethtown Communities - American Government - Branches of Government - Map Skills - Immigration Field Trip- Walking Tour of Elizabethtown in October!
Communication - Weekly Newsletter - Notes sent with your son/daughter Classroom Website - Agendas