MATRIX OF ACHIEVEMENT AND PROGRESS (MAAP) A New Interactive Data Tool for Ohio Districts
© 2011, Battelle for Kids Matrix of Achievement and Progress (MAAP) Learning Targets What is it? Where do I find it? How does it work? How do I interpret the data? What are my next steps?
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – What is it? MAAP is an interactive web- based tool available to the public. MAAP is a convenient way to compare the achievement and progress of student groups across buildings and districts in the state of Ohio. MAAP allows you to quickly identify areas of relative strength and challenge in your building or district.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – Where Do I find it? The MAAP tool is located at: There are two ways to access the MAAP: Select “Get Started”; or Select “MAAP Tool Let’s select “MAAP Tool”.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – Where Do I Find It? (cont.) You should now be on the MAAP tool landing page. There are two MAAP views available: Grade/Subject View by Building or District-wide School View Within District Let’s see what data “Grade/Subject View” provides.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – How Does It Work? To view a district’s data: Select a year Select a district’s name Select “district-wide” in the “building” drop-down menu
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – How Do I Interpret the Data? You will now see Progress and Achievement data represented as Gain Index (GI) and Performance Index (PI) respectively. Let’s take a closer look at this report: The X axis is the PI The Y axis is the GI Did you notice something different with this report? We are accustomed to seeing only one PI for a school or district. This report shows PIs for every tested grade/subject combination. Scroll down the page to see the GI and PI values for each grade/subject combination. Check the box above to identify the grade and subject for each data point. The Gain Index is defined as: Estimated Mean Gain ÷Standard Error Districts, Schools, Teachers, Grade/Subject Levels can be ranked by Gain Index. The Performance Index is a weighted average that includes all tested subjects and grades. The percentage of tests that fall into each performance category (advanced, accelerated, proficient, basic, and limited) is multiplied by a weight ranging from 0 to 1.2, with the percentage of scores in the advanced category receiving the highest weight and missing test scores receiving the lowest.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – How Do I Interpret the Data? (cont.) Note there is a vertical red line at a PI value of 90. To the Left of 90 are PIs that fall into the following Report Card Ratings: Continuous Improvement Academic Watch Academic Emergency To the Right of 90 are PIs that fall into the following Report Card Ratings: Effective Excellent The solid black horizontal line indicates a GI of 0.0. The dashed lines above and below 0.0 indicate a GI of +2.0 and -2.0 respectively. Grade/subject combinations with a GI of +2.0 or greater is highlighted in Green on the value-added report. Grade/subject combinations with a GI below +2.0 but no less than a GI of -2.0 is highlighted in yellow on the value- added report Grade/subject combinations with a GI less than -2.0 is highlighted in Red on the value-added report.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids Where Are the Areas of Strengths and Challenges? We can adapt Douglas B. Reeves “Leadership for Learning Framework” 1 to Ohio’s MAAP by dividing the MAAP into four categories: Grade/subject combinations in the Leading category show high progress (GI) and high achievement (PI). Grade/subject combinations in the Learning category show high progress but low achievement. Grade/subject combinations in the Losing Ground category show low progress and low achievement. Grade/subject combinations in the Lucky, A.K.A. “coasting” category show low progress but high achievement. Footnote #1: Reeves, D.B. (2006). Learning Leader. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Notice the shading from red to green As grade/subject combinations approach high progress, high achievement, the shading gets closer to green. As grade/subject combinations approach low progress, low achievement, the shading gets closer to red.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids Where Are the Areas of Strengths and Challenges? (cont.) Identify on your MAAP grade/subject combinations that are: Leading Learning Losing Ground Lucky With the exception of grade 6 math, the MAAP to the right shows all grade/subject combinations in the Leading category. What would be the goal if there were grade/subject combinations in the: Learning quadrant? Losing Ground quadrant? Lucky quadrant? How could you leverage the strategies that were used in the grade/subject combinations located in the Leading category?
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – View Your Building’s Data To view your 2011 building data: Select the year 2011 Select your district’s name Select your building To compare your 2011 to your 2010 building data: Select the year 2010 Select your district’s name Select your building You can now compare the movement of grade/subject combinations from one category to another. In our example, we can see that grade 6 math, grade 6 reading and grade 4 math moved up to the Leading category. We can also see an increase in PI for grade 4 reading and math, grade 5 reading and math and grade 6 reading. XYZ District DEF School Year District (000000) School XYZ District DEF School
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP – Compare Your Performance to Other Buildings in Your District District (000000)School To compare your building’s data with other buildings in your district: Select “Click Here” Select Year Select a district’s name Select a subject Select a grade You will now see how all of the buildings in your district performed in the same grade/subject combination. Hover your mouse on a data point to see the names of each school. To save or print your report: Select “View PDF” to see the grade/subject combination report for your school. Select “View District PDF” to see grade/subject combination reports for all schools in your district. The image can be enlarged by dragging the marker up.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP in the OIP Access to the MAAP is also available on the Level I, Achievement and Growth, By Grade page of the online Decision Framework: Select, Reading tab; or Select, Mathematics tab; or Select, Science tab; Select “Click Here” to go to the MAAP landing page.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids MAAP in the FOCUS Guides The Focus guides are designed to; Guide your district and building through the analysis of achievement and progress data; Assess and prioritize the strengths and challenges associated with your educational program; and Develop strategies to leverage your areas of strength and/or challenge. Sample workbook questions include: Where in your district [building] do you see high levels of progress, but low levels of achievement? Educators in these areas have discovered ways to improve their effectiveness. Their practices provide a working model for how others might improve. Where in the district [building] do you see high levels of achievement, but low levels of progress? The practice of these educators has become frozen. They require stretch goals.
© 2011, Battelle for Kids What are my next steps? If you have not already done so, we encourage you to use the resources made available through ODE with Race to the Top (RttT) and other funds. These resources include: The MAAP tool To access your district’s [building’s] progress vs. achievement graphs The EVAAS ® portal To access value-added reports, diagnostic reports, and student projections, etc. The Focus workbooks To guide your team’s analyses of your achievement and progress data Visit the Ohio Student Progress Portal 2 frequently to keep informed of new resources such as: Training events Webinars Online courses Footnote #2: Ohio Student Progress Portal is located at:
© 2011, Battelle for Kids Questions? Thank you for joining our session!