An Overview of Old Testament History Abraham 2000 BC Creation Flood Exodus 1446 BC Jericho 1406 BC Judges 1350 BC Conquest Settlement King Saul 1051 BC King Saul 1051 BC David 1011 BC Solomon 971 BC Kingdom Divided 931 BC Judah Israel 430 y 40 y 56 y 299 y 345 y 40 y 209 y 70 y 40 y Assyrian Captivity 722 BC Babylonian Captivity 586 BC 85 y Temple Rebuilt 515 BC Post-Exile Period 430 BC
Silence An Overview of Old Testament History
Exile – 586 BC to 516 BC Post Exile Period - (Ezr, Neh, Hag, Zech, Mal) 400 years of Silence – (400 BC – 1 AD) First Advent – (Matthew – John) Church Age – (Acts – Rapture) Rapture Tribulation (Daniel 9) Second Advent (Judgment of Sheep & Goats) Millennial Kingdom (Final Rebellion) Eternity (New Heavens & New Earth) Jeremiah - Jesus: Jeremiah 31 - Revelation PAST PRESENT FUTURE
Post Millennial: Jesus returns after the church establishes it’s dominion on the earth. Christ “reigns” through the church “for a long time” which is figuratively referred to as 1000 years. Reformed theologians are often Post Millennial A-Millennial: There is no millennium. The 1000 years talked about is only an allegorical period Pre-Millennial: Jesus returns before the 1000 Kingdom in order to set it up Three Views in Eschatology
Exile – 586 BC to 516 BC Post Exile Period - (Ezr, Neh, Hag, Zech, Mal) 400 years of Silence – (400 BC – 1 AD) First Advent – (Matthew – John) Church Age – (Acts – Rapture) Rapture Tribulation (Daniel 9) Second Advent (Judgment of Sheep & Goats) Millennial Kingdom (Final Rebellion) Eternity (New Heavens & New Earth) Jeremiah - Jesus: Jeremiah 31 - Revelation PAST PRESENT FUTURE