My Diary from Here to There Background picture: Os Semeadores (The Planters) by Diego Rivera LindaC/Callison/2011
Other books by Amanda Irma Perez
Vocabulary Word Introduction Read the word chorally Define the word: Read it chorally Example: Let the teacher give an example Ask: The teacher will ask you a question about the word. Tell your answer to your partner.
opportunities: chances to do things
border: Border between Calexico, USA and Mexicali, Mexico a boundary line that shows how land is separated
unions: groups of workers who come together to make work better
strikes: times when workers refuse to work until employers improve conditions
citizen: a person who agrees to respect the rules of a country and is granted rights from that country
boycott: International Grape Boycott Day, May 10, 1969 times when people refuse to buy products to show they are upset about prices or poor treatment
migrant workers: farm workers who move from one area to another for work
labor: hard work
conditions: farm labor housing situations that affect one’s way of life or activities
bargained: talked over a deal
High Interest Words These are words from the story that you may not have seen before.
saguaro: a large, tree-sized cactus native to the Sonoran Desert
immigrant: a person who comes to a new country to live
pan dulce: a chewy, lightly sweetened Mexican bread Yummm!
green card: a card that shows an immigrant may live and work in the U.S.
tamale (tamal): a traditional Latin- American dish made with masa (a cornmeal dough) and steamed in a corn husk
patient: able to wait or delay without becoming angry I am losing patience!
Medal of Freedom: the highest civilian (non-military) award given in the United States In Spanish: medala
opportunities border unions strikes citizens boycott migrant workers labor conditions bargained High Interest Words saguaro immigrant pan dulce green cards tamale patient Medal of Freedom