Central Water Commission - Design and Analysis A cumulative basin impact study for Siang sub-basin of Brahmaputra basin carried out and master plan based strategy on hydro development was developed paving way for development of 17,800 MW hydropower Central Project Management Unit for coordination of activity related Dam Rehabilitation and improvement operational Dam break model study on the land slide dam formed on the river Bhote Kosi in Nepal was conducted for suggesting immediate mitigation measures Rapid simulation study regarding formation of another landslide dam in North Western Himalayan region (near Phuktal) was conducted for suggesting measures for safe handling the situation in the event of breach Unprecedented floods in J&K were rapidly simulated and possible impacts of different scenario were informed to State for crisis management.
Central Water Commission – Flood Management 4772 flood/inflow forecasts were issued with overall percentage of accuracy of 97.80% CWC’s new flood forecasting web site ( was launched for timely dissemination of flood forecast Advisories issued during Uttar Pradesh Unprecedented Flood (August 14) and Cyclonic Storms “HUDHUD” & “NILOFAR” Flood forecasting in J&K at Ram Munshi Bagh started using rainfall-runoff mathematical model
Central Water Commission – Hydrologic Observation Hydrological observation at 878 hydrological observation stations undertaken 155 new Hydrological Observation Stations added in the network 100 existing stations upgraded to include observation of additional river flow parameter Web based water resources information system on GIS platform – India- WRIS was maintained. Unclassified data of CWC and CGWB placed on portal for public access.
Central Water Commission – Appraisal & Monitoring Appraisal of 4 irrigation (for irrigation to 2,30,417 Ha) and 12 flood protection (for protection to 1,07,687 Ha) completed. 42 new irrigation projects; 16 revised cost estimates are under appraisal. Appraisal of civil components of 6 hydroelectric projects completed. 4 projects are under appraisal. 47 (20 Major and 27 medium) projects under General monitoring and 143 (77 Major, 49 Medium and 17 ERM) AIBP projects are under monitoring. Fully automated portal for online processing and monitoring of proposals under AIBP was launched