Welcome to Reception Miss Allen, Ms McMahon, Miss Bone and Mrs Everest.
Learning through play… Making and playing with playdough: - Go shopping to buy ingredients (Understanding of the world) - Look at a recipe and talk about the instructions (C&L) - Count out spoonfuls of flour (PSRN) - Mix and roll out dough (Physical) - Use their imagination to make snakes, animals, cakes etc. (Expressive) Communication and language. Personal, social, emotional Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive Arts and Design
The first few weeks… We will find out what the children already know and can do and use this information to help us plan where your child needs to go next in their learning. We would value any contributions you would like to make in helping us get to know your child’s needs. WOW sheets
The first few weeks… We will also be getting to know our key person- if you are not sure who that is, ask me at the end! If you are feeling concerned about anything at any time during the year you are more than welcome to pop in and see any member of staff. Other parents can also be a great source of information! FHF
How to support your child at home… Literacy skills: Phonics (Talk at the beginning of October) Writing- pre-writing skills. - lower case with flicks. Physical: Large motor skills. Using scissors. Practising dressing.
Number: Looking at numbers in the environment. Playing board games. Laying the table- how many places do we need to lay? Use your child's interests to engage them! Signing: ask your children what signs they have learnt that day, encourage them to use them around the house. “Makaton is regularly used in mainstream schools, to support all children to develop communication., language and literacy skills. It also supports integration, as children with and without language difficulties can communicate with each other, learn and play together more easily. “
Reading books - Shared with an adult once a week. - Children will choose their own sharing book. - Please write a comment in reading record. Contact Books. Learning Logs - Will include the sounds we are learning that week. - To be in Thursday and handed out on Fridays.
Uniform Please ensure that your child’s name is in all items of clothing, including shoes and coats! P.E kit must be kept in school, so that it is available every day. Hair must be tied back!!! Your child will be taking part in lots of interesting and sometimes messy experiences, so may come home a bit dirty! It is all part of the fun!
Diary dates Harvest festival- September 2015 Everybody welcome!! Phonics explanation- Beginning of October 2015 (check the newsletters for details)
Please remember…. If you have any concerns or questions, we will be happy to help you. Miss Allen- Reception Teacher Ms McMahon- Teaching Assistant Miss Bone- Teaching Assistant Mrs Everest- Teaching Assistant