Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March 2010 Image: MODIS Land Group, NASA GSFC March 2000 POES Microwave Products Presented by Fuzhong Weng Presented by Fuzhong Weng
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Requirement, Science, and Benefit Requirement/Objective Weather & Water: Weather and Water reduced loss of life, injury, and damage to the economy Better, quicker, and more valuable weather and water information to support improved decisions Increases customer satisfaction with weather and water information and services Mission support Data management, associated visualization technology, models, and related high performance computing and communications Science: How to produce robust satellite sounding products under global environment? Benefit Improving weather forecasting (e.g. hurricane/storm monitoring) using new products Understand, assess, predict, mitigate, & adapt to climate variability and change through uses of climate data records from the system
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Challenges and Path Forward Science challenges –How can the system performance under heavy precipitation conditions be improved? –How sounding quality in lower troposphere be improved? Next steps –Prepare MIRS for JPSS applications –Generate improved retrievals over precipitating atmospheric conditions –More synergy in uses of other data to improve retrievals –High resolution microwave products Transition Path –MIRS system has been operational since 2008 –Work with EMC, HRD, NHC, CWB on uses of MIRS products for hurricane/Typhoon initialization –User workshops (July – August 2010)
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) Research Description –In past, NESDIS does not produce operational microwave sounding products from POES microwave instruments –Today, user community requested the sounding products under all weather conditions Scientific Approaches –1D-variational approach –All weather conditions – CRTM –Surface emissivity as a state vector Recent Science Accomplishments (~FY08 to present) –STAR science team has developed a flexible and robust physical retrieval algorithm: Microwave Integrated Retrieval System applied to imagers, sounders, or a combination of imager and sounder, therefore getting rid of stove-pipe approaches –Sounding products including temperature, water vapor and hydrometeor profiles have been generated from NOAA/METOP/DMSP satellites –Surface products (snow, sea ice, surface emissivity, land surface temperature, rain rate) are also operationally produced and disseminated to user communities
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March MIRS Capability MIRS is an operational system with a physical retrieval for microwave instruments and is first time producing all weather sounding products at NOAA/NESDIS MIRS is a modular design and uses the community radiative transfer model (CRTM) and allows for specific handling of instrument noises, forward model errors, a bias correction, and validation with in-situ data MIRS produces the microwave products from different satellite platforms and is independent of sensor configuration.
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Atmosphere Temperature Profile Accuracy from NOAA-18 AMSU/MHS Accuracy for MIRS temperature profiles meets NPOESS IWORD requirements while that of water vapor profile is out of spec due to limited channels. Hyperspectral microwave sounding system is required. TemperatureWater Vapor
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Total Precipitable Water (TPW) over All-Surfaces TPW is retrieved over all surface conditions. Shown are MIRS TPW compared to the products from global data assimilation system (GDAS) output. GDAS assimilates all satellite sensor data, conventional data and etc MIRS RetrievalGDAS Analysis
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Temperature Profile Assessment Using GDAS MIRS 500 mbars 500 mbars MIRS retrievals of temperature fields are also consistent with to GDAS
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Other Products from MIRS Tsfc 12/ GHz Emissivity 12/2009 Rainfall Rate 12/2009 LWP 12/2/ /6/2009 Sea-ice Monthly Averages MiRS Climate Monitoring –Time series –Animations –Pentad, Weekly, Monthly maps Science and QC value
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Review 09 – 11 March Challenges and Path Forward Science challenges –How can the system performance under heavy precipitation conditions be improved? –How sounding quality in lower troposphere be improved? Next steps –Prepare MIRS for JPSS applications –Generate improved retrievals over precipitating atmospheric conditions –More synergy in uses of other data to improve retrievals –High resolution microwave products Transition Path –MIRS system has been operational since 2008 –Work with EMC, HRD, NHC, CWB on uses of MIRS products for hurricane/Typhoon initialization –User workshops (July – August 2010)