QUESTION? As of October 28, 2002, what additional document must be “…in that person’s physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft when exercising the privileges of the pilot certificate or authorization…?”
FOLLOW-UP QUESTION What are acceptable forms of photo identification to comply with the new regulation?
ANSWER 61.3 Valid Driver’s License Valid ID Card Issued by Government U. S. Armed Forces ID Credentials Authorizing Access to Airport Secure Areas Official Passport Any Other ID Acceptable to the FAA
QUESTION? A commercial pilot, wanting to build flight time, is paying a FAR Part 135 operator to sit in the right seat of their aircraft while conducting 135 revenue flights. The commercial pilot is current and qualified in the aircraft and has passed a 135 SIC check. The aircraft does not require two pilots by type certification, nor does the operation require two pilots. What flight time can this pilot log?
ANSWER 61.51(e) and (f) The pilot cannot ever log SIC. The pilot may log PIC when sole manipulator of the controls.
QUESTION? How may a flight instructor legally log the flight time while he/she is giving instruction if they never touch the flight controls and never talk on the radio (PIC, SIC, etc.)?
ANSWER 61.51(e)(3) The CFI may log all instruction time as PIC.
FOLLOW-UP QUESTION If the flight is conducted at night and/or in instrument conditions, may the CFI legally log night and/or instrument time?
ANSWER 61.51(b)(3) and 61.51(g)(2) YES The pilot may log night and/or instrument time when those conditions exist.
FOLLOW-UP TO THE FOLLOW UP QUESTION May the flight instructor log the landings and/or the approaches toward his/her own currency while only observing a student conduct the hands-on approach or landing?
ANSWER 61.57(a) and (b) Landings -- NO Approaches -- YES
QUESTION? An applicant wishes to take their Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land Practical Test in an airplane that is equipped with only the basic flight instruments (airspeed indicator and altimeter). Can you conduct the test in this airplane?
ANSWER 61.43(d), 61.45(b)(1)(i), (h), and (b) NO. The aircraft could not be used to complete the entire practical test. However, the applicant could use two aircraft for the test.
SCENARIO An applicant comes to you for an additional flight instructor rating. They currently hold a CFI-AME and are wanting to add ASE. They have come for the practical test in a fixed gear Cessna 172. Is this acceptable, or is the applicant required to provide a complex aircraft for takeoffs, landings, and emergency procedures?
ANSWER The applicant is NOT required to provide a complex aircraft, because the applicant has already demonstrated instruction ability in a complex aircraft during the AME test.
QUESTION? An applicant holds a Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land Certificate and wishes to add Rotorcraft Helicopter. Is the applicant required to show solo helicopter time in his/her logbook to be eligible for the additional rating?
ANSWER 61.63(b)(1) YES
FOLLOW-UP QUESTION What is required for this person to conduct solo flight in a category of aircraft for which they do not hold a rating?
ANSWER 61.31(d)(3) Have received training required and have received the required endorsements.
SCENARIO Prior to beginning the practical test, you review the applicants logbook and find that there is no record of logged ground instruction on the applicable knowledge areas. The applicant has all the required endorsements. Is this applicant eligible for the practical test?
ANSWER YES, the applicant is eligible for the practical test. The rule does not state the amount of detail required, therefore, the endorsement will suffice (a)
QUESTION An applicant for a Private Pilot Certificate, Airplane Single Engine Land has combined the “3 hours of control and maneuvering…solely by reference to instruments” with “3 hours of night flight training.” Is this acceptable?
ANSWER NO, the rule was intended that the person perform the night training using a combination of pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio navigation under night conditions under visual flight rules
SCENARIO A graduate of a 141 flight school presents a graduation certificate and FAA Form at the time of the practical test. The does not contain any times in Section III “Record of Pilot Time.” The applicant states that those times are not necessary because the graduation certificate shows that he/she meets the aeronautical experience requirements. Is this correct?
ANSWER NO states that “…an applicant must have a completed and signed application form.”
FOLLOW UP QUESTION Because the flight times may not meet the Part 61 minimum requirements, must an examiner verify the flight times on the FAA Form ?
ANSWER YES, an examiner should ensure that the applicant’s aeronautical experience meets the requirements of Part 141.
SCENARIO A multiengine rated pilot received 100 hours of flight instruction in a Piper Aerostar, and was given a high performance endorsement. The pilot later learned that, during the time of the instruction, the instructor did not hold a current medical certificate. The instructor was current and qualified in the aircraft. Is the high performance endorsement valid?
ANSWER YES, the endorsement is valid. The rule only states that the endorsement must be given by an authorized instructor, it does not address the issue of current medical certificate (f)
SCENARIO An applicant for a Instrument Rating in a multiengine land airplane failed Area of Operation V, Element 4 (intercepts the specified radial at a predetermined angle, inbound or outbound from a navigational facility). Everything else was satisfactory. The applicant wishes to do the re-test in a Cessna 172. Is this OK?
ANSWER YES The applicant may perform the re-test in a Cessna 172 or any other properly equipped ASEL (a)(1) and PTS
FOLLOW UP QUESTION Could the applicant do the re-test in a simulator or flight training device?
ANSWER YES, Provided the flight training device is approved for the procedure performed (a)(8)(ii)
SCENARIO An applicant with a Private Pilot Certificate, Airplane Single Engine Land, comes to you to add an Airplane Multiengine Land rating to his/her certificate. The applicant’s Private Pilot Certificate was issued December 13, 2002, and contains the restriction “night flying prohibited.” Can you conduct the practical test?
ANSWER NO The applicant’s certificate became invalid for use on December 31, and
QUESTION? A Private Pilot meets the requirements of FAR to act as PIC of an aircraft towing a glider. May the pilot log that time while acting as a “tow pilot,” and use that time toward the requirements of an additional certificate or rating?
ANSWER YES Per FAR 61.51(e)(1), the pilot may log PIC time. There are no rules preventing the pilot from using the time toward a certificate or rating, or for currency.
SCENARIO An applicant for an instrument helicopter rating has done all of his training, including the cross country which must be “…performed under IFR…,” in a Robinson R-22 (not certified for IFR). Can you accept this training and conduct the practical test?
ANSWER YES The training is acceptable and the examiner may conduct the practical test (c), (d),
SCENARIO A dual rated (airplanes and helicopters) applicant comes to you for a helicopter instrument rating. Having originally planned to get an airplane instrument rating, he brings the airplane instrument rating knowledge test report to the practical test. Can you accept this for the helicopter instrument practical test?
ANSWER NO These test are not interchangeable (a)(7) and Instrument PTS
SCENARIO An applicant for a Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter Certificate brings an aircraft that does not have the necessary equipment to complete AO VII, Task B (Radio Navigation and Radar Services). The applicant states that FAR 61.45(b)(2) gives him the option of using an aircraft that is not capable of performing all of the tasks required. Is the applicant correct?
ANSWER NO The applicant must provide an aircraft capable of performing ALL appropriate tasks (b), Private Pilot PTS,
FOLLOW UP QUESTION Could AO VII, Task B (Radio Navigation and Radar Services be tested orally only?
ANSWER NO The Practical Test Standards require both knowledge and skill testing 61.43(a)(1) and Private Pilot PTS
SCENARIO FAR 61.56(b) allows glider pilots to substitute a minimum of three instructional flights in a glider, each which includes a flight to traffic pattern altitude, for the 1 hour of required flight training for the flight review. Could performing a rope break at 200 feet AGL qualify as a flight to traffic pattern altitude?
ANSWER YES The rule does not specify the height of traffic pattern altitude (b) and the Final Rule Preamble
SCENARIO A Private Pilot Glider with “Aero Tow Only” Limitation has received the required training and endorsement from an authorized flight instructor for ground launch. If the pilot acts as PIC during a ground launch, is this a violation of the “Aero Tow Only” limitation?
ANSWER NO Order , General Aviation Safety Inspector’s Handbook, is being changed to address this issue.
QUESTION What constitutes a “flight” in a Lighter-Than-Air, Balloon? Can several “flights” be logged with only one set-up and inflation?
ANSWER The definition of “flight” is the same for a balloon as it is for an airplane. YES - Several “flights” can be logged with only one set-up and inflation. FAR 1.1