Presenters: Emily & Lily Professor: Dr. James C. Lawlor Date: July 23rd
I. Introduction II. The Two Main Goals III. Xuhui Education
Introduction A Nation at Risk (1983, the Department of Education ) Goals 2000 (2000, the Senate and House of Representatives ) No Child Left Behind Act ( January, 2002 President Bush) The Purpose of the NCLB
To ensure that children in every classroom enjoy the benefits of well- prepared teachers, research-based curriculum and safe learning environments. (President Bush)
The Two Main Goals of the NCLB School Choice and Improvement High-qualified Teachers
School choice and Improvement Step 1. The state uses a single accountability system to assess all public schools Step 2. Schools that haven't met "adequate yearly progress " (AYP) for two consecutive school years are identified as "in need of improvement."(AYP) Step 3. All the students in these schools should get the option of school choice. (The students in “unsafe” schools can also get the option.)
High-qualified Teachers Definition: A teacher is fully certified, has a bachelor’s degree and has completed a content area major OR has passed a content area test in the subject he/she is assigned to teach. (DOE) each state has different criteria
We Need High-qualified Teachers The NCLB requires that, by the end of the 2005– 2006 school year, all teachers in core academic subjects must be highly qualified in their areas of teaching assignment Now the whole country faces a growing shortage of qualified teachers, including math and special education teachers.
Help Teachers Grow Over the Course of a Career 1. States, districts and schools should provide high-quality professional development programs to develop and maintain high-qualified teachers. 2. Give teachers direct assistance to evaluate and develop teaching skills and the knowledge.
Xuhui Education I. Teacher Training and Professional Development II. Small-class Teaching Experiments III. Strengthening of the Supervision of Low-performing Junior High Schools
No Child Left Behind !
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) It is the measure by which schools, districts, and states are held responsible for student performance of the NCLB. NCLB requires states to use a single accountability system for all public schools to determine whether students on average as well as subgroups of students are making continuous and consistent progress toward meeting state academic content standards