The Youth Criminal Justice System in Canada’s goal is rehabilitate and prevent youth from becoming adult offenders. The legislation attempts to balance the needs of the youth and protect society, recognizing that youth are vulnerable and at a critical point in their lives. Copyright 2013 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. 1 YOUTH JUSTICE IN CANADA LO1
The Juvenile Delinquents Act was introduced in 1908 A social welfare approach to crime, as a parent, treating offenders as misguided children in need of encouragement and help Criminal accountability began at 7, and ended between years Judges treated “delinquents” with discretion, therefore sentences were not consistent and could include a fine, foster care or institutionalization Copyright 2013 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. 2 THE EVOLUTION OF YOUTH JUSTICE LEGISLATION LO1
The Young Offenders Act came into effect in 1984 Young offenders were expected to take responsibility for their actions The offenders were not charged with “delinquency” but faced charges under the Criminal Code The age of criminal responsibility was raised to 12 and the upper age limit was 17 A youth who committed a criminal act under 12 years of age was not criminally responsible for their actions The identity of the offender was protected Copyright 2013 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. 3 THE EVOLUTION OF YOUTH JUSTICE LEGISLATION LO1