CHILDREN’S CENTRE Jadesola Akinseye Edurne Mananes.


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Presentation transcript:

CHILDREN’S CENTRE Jadesola Akinseye Edurne Mananes

Children’s Centres  The core purpose of children’s centres is to improve outcomes for young children and their families with a particular focus on those in greatest need.  We work to make sure all children are properly prepared for school, regardless of background and family circumstance

Who are we for?  From pregnancy up until 5 years old  We tailor our services for particular groups including children in social care, families supported by early help and the children eligible for the 2 year old offer.

Our services  Family support  Positive Parenting workshops  Family Engagement Officer refers families on to other professionals including mental health, Early help, Speech and Language Therapists, benefits advice and employment support.  Literacy and mathematics courses  Parents Groups

Our services  Health  Healthy child programme, weaning support, breastfeeding support, healthy cooking classes, baby massage and oral health workshops.  Safeguarding  Counselling services for women who are victims of domestic violence first aid and home safety equipment available for purchase.  e-safety awareness sessions.

Our services  Getting ready for school  Stay and Play  School readiness programme  Making links with schools to ensure better communication regarding children needing extra support and to ensure that the children leaving our centre meet the early years foundation milestones  Learning journeys  Crèche

How Family Engagement Officers support families  Carry out consultations to see what the needs of the local community are and tailor the centre to meet those needs.  Outcome star during a one to one to identify the needs of individual families and refer them to relevant services.  Work in partnership with professionals to improve the outcome for children and families most in need.