+ Meta-language Audience Purpose Context Text Composer Responder
+ There are many kinds of Texts: Written Spoken Visual Multi-media
+ Newspaper texts Book Magazines Novels Poems Printed ads Jokes
+ Conversations Plays Radio Ads Interviews Podcasts
+ Images Photographs Paintings Symbols Icons Illustrations
+ Websites Film TV Gaming Consoles Interactive media Music Media Clips/ Videos Digital texts
+ Ad 1 by McDonald’s ted
+ Buy me that: Truth about Food Ads Food Ad Tricks: Helping Kids Understand Food Ads on TV
+ WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE COMPOSER OF AD 1? WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE COMPOSER OF AD 2? REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS: Do you think the fast food company made Ad 2? Who do you think is benefitting from Ad 2?
+ Who is the targeted audience? Who will listen, read or view the texts? Ad 1 : Ad 2:
+ Audience To inform To entertain To persuade
+ In pairs, review the two texts and decide What is the purpose of the two texts? Are Ad 1 and TV Series 2, trying to inform, entertain or persuade their audiences to think or act in a certain way? What do they hope to achieve? Is the purpose of both ads the same? Who will profit/benefit from this ad in the short and long term?
+ QuestionsLevel 1Level 2Level 3 Text How many different kinds of texts are there? Name them. Compare and contrast a multi- media & a written text. Give 2 examples each. What kind of texts dominate our life today and what is their impact? PurposeWhat are the 3 main purposes of texts? Explain what makes a multi-media ad more effective than a print ad. What kind of text would you choose to create if you had to persuade a 5 year old to eat vegies. Explain ContextIdentify the different kind of contexts which shape a text. Explain how context has influenced the food that you and your grandparents ate as children? Predict the kind of texts that will be produced in 2050? AudienceList the 3 demographic & 3 psychographic features that are important in identifying the audience of a text. From 3pm to 6pm who is the target audience of TV channels. Give examples. As a user of Apple’s MAC, what tool or feature would you like to add or remove from your laptop. Why?