Federal Grants
Dr. Nancy Phillips, Director Dr. Mary Thomas, Project Director, District Shepherd Nichelle Williams, Administrative Assistant Annette Ruback, Accounting Tech Central Area I Coordinator: Peggy Mays Accounting Tech Christy Davis Area II Coordinator: Alan Towler Accounting Tech Lisa Barrett Area III Coordinator: Hellen Bedgood Accounting Tech Dedrick Epps
All Title Funds are supplemental These funds cannot replace district support to campuses All federal guidance must be followed or the district could be required to return funds These funds are designed to support the most in need and assist students in meeting state and federal standards
Title I funds are given to campuses based on the number of students residing in an attendance area that are on free/reduced lunch. ◦ The campuses are then ranked from the highest percentage of those identified students to the lowest ◦ The district formula provides an allocation until all funds are distributed. Allocation Process ◦ Preliminary planning amounts are given to the campus in January ◦ Adjusted planning amounts are give to campuses in late May/June based on TEA opening Title I application for the coming year. ◦ Allocations are revised after TEA designates Roll Forward in Nov/Dec.
The campus needs assessment determines the grant expenditures. CAC begins the planning process Parents are involved, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan The campus plan describes the services, activities, and expenditures related to Title I The plan also describes how the services, activities, and expenditures will be evaluated as to their effectiveness
CampusDate Revision #Date This table provides an executive summary of Title I, Part A expenditures, and ties them directly to improving student performance, as identified in the Needs Assessment and corresponding strategies of the Action Plan.. As appropriate to ensure clarity, please provide a brief description for line items). Please insert additional rows in the table as needed. Type of Expenditure How will Expenditure Improve Student Performance?Amount ofSummative Needs AssessmentAction Plan StrategyExpenditureAssessment of Impact Personnel $0.00 Instructional Supplies, Materials, and Equipment $0.00 Staff Training Explains how the campus will spend it’s Title I funds. If it is not in the EOE the campus has submitted the campus has to amend.
The district must reserve funds for” ◦ Parental Involvement ◦ Homeless student support ◦ Children in local institutions for neglected and delinquent students ◦ Highly Qualified recruitment/retention ◦ Professional Development ◦ Participating Private School ◦ Evaluation, Accountability District Initiatives ◦ Childcare at identified Title I HS ◦ Summer school – Title I students, ELL students ◦ Prekindergarten ◦ Learning Support Services
Title II Funds are used for: ◦ Recruitment and Retention of Highly Qualified Staff ◦ Professional Development ◦ SEL ◦ Educator Quality ◦ CTE ◦ Evaluation/Accountability Title III Funds are used for: ◦ Additional teaching positions assigned to campuses based on the number of ELL students ◦ Professional Development ◦ Supplemental supplies/materials for ELL students
Expenditures must support student achievement – student services, activities, teacher quality Services are research based Expenditures are documented Expenditures are reasonable and necessary Expenditures are supplemental State & Federal Accountability provides technical assistance and support