Curriculum Design Day 4 Leading a world class curriculum
“Leadership influences all aspects of the work of an early learning and childcare or learning community. Strong and effective leadership is required at all levels to deliver the promotion of continuous improvement and excellence for all learners expected through CfE.” Education Scotland Inspection Advice Note June 2014
Aims Day 4 Explore and with each other where you are at with your curriculum designs and challenge each other to think of next steps Share ideas and practice: Reducing bureaucracy, Progression, Totality of learning Explore and get to grips with support and resources available
What you said... Exemplification21 Time for dialogue with colleagues20 Officer support20 Support for prim-sec transition13 On desired forms of support:
What you said... Progression (all forms)50 Parental involvement27 Primary-secondary transition24 Health and Wellbeing20 Evaluate impact of changes18 On next steps:
“Regularly reviewing and improving your curriculum is a ‘catch all’ task.” HM Inspector March 2014
The three ‘w’ questions W hat are we doing? W hy are we doing it? W here is taking our children in their learning?
The three ‘H’ questions H ow are we doing? H ow do we know? H ow are we going to improve?
Where are you with your curriculum design? A ‘final’ curriculum design An emerging design In need of further support
Where are you with your curriculum design? A ‘final’ curriculum design An emerging design 1. Plenty of evidence that you were well on the way in terms of (1) above. 2. You are actively engaging staff and others in putting the design into practice in terms of (2) above In need of further support 1.A plan, design or statement that outlined your curriculum rationale and is built on a shared understanding of how its application. 2.The curriculum design in practice is leading to well planned and joined up learning across all four contexts. 1.In the early stages in terms of (1) above. 2.Looking for ideas and support in engaging others in terms of (2) above.
National expectation HM inspectors do not promote or endorse any particular curriculum model. And neither should any of us. Instead, whatever model is in place should enable “the curriculum to be dynamic, to reflect innovation and to be flexible to meet the needs and interests of children and young people” Improving the curriculum through self-evaluation HM inspectors do not evaluate curriculum plans not yet being delivered, but will engage in professional dialogue about these, and will take account of processes in place to develop the curriculum.
The Hot Issues... Tackling bureaucracy Planning for progression The totality of learning (The Four Contexts)
ES Curriculum Area ‘Packs’ Cover NAR flowchart (poster) CfE Making good assessment decisions 3-18 (poster) Principles and Practice Experiences and Outcomes Professional Learning Paper: Assessing progress and achievement (includes significant aspects of learning) Progression Framework Annotated example
A & B Assessment Forum materials Framework for Assessment, Quality Assurance and Moderation Assessment toolkit 1 Toolkit rationale Tracking sheet Assessment and moderation record Toolkit materials Evaluating CfE using the design principles