Suicide Prevention in Adolescence By: Kyla Fletcher
Analysis of the Issue What is the issue? Suicide Prevention
Warning Signs Talking About Dying: mention of any self-harm Recent Loss: death in family or friend, divorce or broken relationship Change in Personality: Depressed Change in Sleep Patterns: insomnia, nightmares Low Self Esteem and Loss Appetite No hope for the future
Suicide Prevention: Facts Typically one out of every five teenagers consider suicide and in 2003, 8% of adolescents proceed with suicide. Approximately 1,700 teenagers die be year from suicide.
Prevention Programs The Teen Screen Program is designed for young people who are suffering from mental illness or are at risk of suicide. This program is community oriented to implement safety for the children in the program. Mental health screening are utilized to help detect children who may display signs of emotional disorders and help them before they either lose focus of school or take their own life.
Prevention Programs Stop a Suicide Today: This school based program is designed to teach people to encourage the youth to stay positive and to help those in need. They put emphasis on the relationships that are developed amongst students and the adults involved in the program. The need for students and youth who are struggling with mental illnesses is to seek mental health treatment for these students.
Prevention Programs The NASP is an organization designed to support the need to enhance student learning and development. Their policy states: Ready to Learn, Empowered to Teach: Excellence in Education for the 21rst Century..
How does this issue work or not work? Suicide Prevention is a good tool to help keep youth motivated and feel supported in their academic careers. It is difficult to monitor all aspects of a student’s lifestyle (meaning mental, physical, social etc.) but teachers are often encouraged to be mindful of body language and aware of the students in their classroom.
How does this issue work or not work? Advocates of suicide prevention programs are also taught warning signs and how to detect if a child is mentally unstable and needs to seek mental/psychological help.
Is this issue a solution to a problem or the problem itself (an "issue)? Suicide is definitely an issue amongst several adolescents Prevention Programs are considered a large tool in the solution to this issue. It is evident that there are several children or teens who feel as if there life has no meaning and it is important for them to know how valuable they are. It is important that we continue to educate children and teens on the importance of self worth and remind them to not give up hope
Who or what is making this issue happen? It has been noted that children and adolescents spend a significant amount of time together throughout the day. That’s why it is important for all school staff to be familiar with the common risk factors, behaviors and warnings signs of suicidal behavior.
Who or what is making this issue happen? The peers of the students is possible to be main cause of the discomfort of troubled teens. The struggle to find their place within the school system can be very difficult. It is apparent that many of the students struggle with social acceptance and many times find desperate needs to find stability in their life.
Who or what is making this issue happen? That’s why it is good to encourage students to get involved in the school community and clubs to enhance their social life and keep from feeling neglected in the school.
Who or what is making this issue happen? The goal is to work together to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the students. There are also numerous opportunities for staff and students to voice their opinion and leave suggestions on how to better create a comfortable learning environment. There are counselors at the schools who also provide a strong support system to each and every student who seeks help. Counsels are also aware of mental illness and can help aid in encouraging students to stay motivated in school.
What is its history? When did it originate? How has it evolved over time? American Psychological Association: Founded 1882 at Clark University NASP Program: Originated their plan in 2012 Model Adolescent Suicide Prevention Program (MASPP) Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
History Cont. There are several programs that have been devolved over the years to help aid in suicide prevention in adolescence.
What is the cost to society of ignoring this issue? Precious Lives
What is the cost to society of ignoring this issue? When society ignores suicide attempts, the United States loses roughly 1,700 precious lives per year. If the issue continues to be ignored the deaths will only increase and the youth will continue to dwindle in numbers.
What are proposed solutions to this issue? Stay Positive Work Together Overall youth should have constant reminders of their self worth and importance. No child should feel unloved and unwanted. Raise Awareness Keep Motivating one another