1. It’s a Small World Being a Good Neighbor (LLG/LS, Procedures) 1-4 Using Your Gifts to Help Others (Multiple Intelligences, The Brain) 5-6 Doing What is Right (Rights and Responsibilities) 7-8 Concept: Relationships Being There Locations: School Campus, Lancaster School Library, Citizenship Trip to Fire Station, Mayor’s Office, Police Station, Love Inc. Trip to a local farm. Social Action Project: Build a sense of community, relationship and responsibility within the classroom. Canned Food Drive for Love Inc.
2. Take Pride in Your World Taking Crucial Steps (The Scientific Process) 9-11 Discover Your World (Attributes, Geometry, Fractions) Be True to Who You Are (Traditions, Cultural Awareness) Concept: Similarities and Differences Being There Locations: Honeywell Center, Outdoor Classroom Social Action: Create holiday cards to distribute to nursing home residents and military men and women. Collect toys for children in need at Christmas.
3. Lend a Helping Hand Where are we Going? (Location, Mapping) Taking Care of Your World (Laws of Nature) Meeting the Needs in Your World (Living Things) Concept: Impact Being There Locations: School Outdoor Classroom, Thornhill Nature Preserve, Crestview Middle School Social Action Project: Nature Stewardship Project
4. Making a Difference Making Contributions (Economics) Learning From Where We’ve Been (Our Past, Our Present, Our Future) Concept: Change Being There Locations: Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo Social Action Project:Animal Care Project
Organizing Concept Relationships are the special types of connections that define how two or more things are associated with each other. The relationships between things or people may have a positive or negative effect on each other.
Rationale By identifying relationships and understanding how they are connected, we are able to recognize our place in our world.