Green actions in the Air Traffic Management perspective Flygteknik 2010, October Tomas Mårtensson, Martin Hagström; FOI
Outline – what will I talk about? Overview on emissions from aviation Compositions and effects on climate How much emissions are there from aviation (EU-perspective) What can Air Navigation Service (ANS) providers do? How to measure “green actions”, what is good and what is bad? Environmental Key Performance Indicators. The need for Trade-off studies. Conclusions Flygteknik 2010, October
Emitted substances From: Lee, D.S., et al., Aviation and global climate change in the 21st century, Atmospheric Environment (2009), Flygteknik 2010, October
Aviation emissions Aviation is an unique emission source. Release occur in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (8-12 km) on a global scale Flygteknik 2010, October
Emitted substances Flygteknik 2010, October From: Lee, D.S., et al., Aviation and global climate change in the 21st century, Atmospheric Environment (2009),
Aviation emissions in European airspace 2009 Flights within EUROCONTROL area Flights to/from EUROCONTROL area within / outside TOTAL within EUROCONTROL area Number of flights ~7, ~1, ~9, Average number of seats Average Max Take Off Weight 63 t203 t94 t Average Distance flown 900 km1691 / 3039 km1046 km Average flight time 80 min125 / 206 min88 min Fuel per flight 3.1 t10.8 / 22.4 t4.5 t Total Fuel t19 Mt / 39 Mt t CO t59 Mt / 122 Mt t % 56 %44 %100 % Flygteknik 2010, October Source: EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report 2009
Aviation fuel efficiency Airlines / Manufactures ANS Air Navigation Service Load factor Aircraft fuel efficiency ANS fuel efficiency Optimal vs actual trajekctory Flygteknik 2010, October
Horizontal flight efficiency TMA GCD DC A TMA = Terminal Manoeuvring Area GCD = Great Circle Distance DC = Direct Course A = Actual route
Horizontal flight efficiency Actual route Direct Course Great Circle Direct Route extension 32,3 km TMA Interface 15,3 km En route Extension km Flygteknik 2010, October Source: EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report km 890 km 874 km
Terminal Manoeuvring Area
From FL95 to “gear out” B BROWNGREENDIFF Flown Distance89,4 km54,9 km34,5 km Fuel used276 kg109 kg167 kg
Inefficiencies actionable by ANS 2009 Fuel Flight Fuel Total CO2 Total % Estimated average within European airspace 4,5 t42 Mt133 Mt100 % Horizontal en-route flight path 163 kg1,5 Mt4,8 Mt3,6 % Vertical en-route flight profile 25 kg0,2 Mt0,7 Mt0,6 % Airborne Terminal 51 kg0,5 Mt1,5 Mt1,1 % Taxi-out phase 32 kg0,3 Mt0,9 Mt0,7 % Total ~271 kg~2,5 Mt~8,0 Mt~ 6 % Flygteknik 2010, October Green actions from ANS acts on all aircrafts Source: EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report 2009
ANS ways of reducing emissions Airspace design Free route air spacing (FRAS) Arrival and Departure route design (STAR/SID) Use of Precision Navigation procedures Arrival and departure manager (AMAN/DMAN) Continuous Descend Operations Better use of weather information Optimum use of Runways Timing and punctuality Flygteknik 2010, October
What are the problems? The European borders… Trade-off considerations Safety versus Nothing Capacity versus Environment Emissions versus Noise How to measure what actual benefits there is from “green” actions taken in ATM? Flygteknik 2010, October
How to measure potential benefits from operational procedure changes? FOI worked with LFV ANS to develop environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Build the KPI:s from available systems. The limitations with data from available systems are: Swedish airspace, Phase of flight, not all airports, Spatial resolution, time resolution, formats, metadata The recommendation was to use radar-tracks archived in Noise monitoring system. Covers the ten largest airports in Sweden out to 50 nm with high resolution in space and time for all flights. Flygteknik 2010, October
Suggested environmental KPIs Flown distance [nm] Excessive lateral flown distance [nm] Fuel consumption [kg] Additional fuel consumption [kg] Number of CDA. Time in levelled flight [minutes] [%] Taxi time [minutes] * all defined as an average per flight Flygteknik 2010, October FOI project team with LFV: Benny Jansson, Tomas Mårtensson, Björn Nevhage, Maria Stenström
Flown distance D ARR = True flown distance of arriving flights [nm] D DEP = True flown distance of departing flights [nm] n arr = number of landings n dep = number of take-off Flygteknik 2010, October
The sum of flown distance over a day Sum of flown distance in TMA Time of day Flygteknik 2010, October
Excessive lateral flown distance d = norm [nm] d dep d arr Flygteknik 2010, October
How to chose a normative distance in real life operations ? (Figure from LFV) Flygteknik 2010, October ARLANDA Take Off RWY 08 Landing RWY 01L
Time in levelled flight Six flights to Arlanda from distance 50 nm until touch down at RWY 26 Flygteknik 2010, October (Data from LFV/(Swedavia, ANOMS system) Trade-off: Noise - Emissions
Emissions versus Noise Runway Flygteknik 2010, October
Lowest emissions = Direct Course RWY Flygteknik 2010, October
Lowest Noise RWY Flygteknik 2010, October
Real operations RWY Flygteknik 2010, October
Emissions versus Noise Release of CO2 /day Noise Impact /day Minimum CO2 Minimum Noise “Today” Flygteknik 2010, October CO2 Cap Noise legislation Today = x movements/day FOI. Clausen Mork et al. “Tomorrow Tomorrow = y movements/day
Conclusions Last year, ~44 Million tones of kerosene was burned within in EUROCONTROL Area (excl sport & military aviation). ANS can act on ~6 % of aviation emissions (more for individual flights) There is a need for better measures (KPI:s) with high resolution in time and space to be able to quantify “green actions” Suggested Key Performance Indicators Flown distance, Excessive Lateral flown distance, Fuel burn, Excessive fuel burn, Number of CDA:s, Time in levelled flight and Taxi time. As aviation grows, there is a clear need to put numbers on the trade-off between noise and emissions to meet future legislations. Flygteknik 2010, October
FOI ̶ research for a safer world Thank you for your attention! Flygteknik 2010, October