E NGLISH : G ROUP 2 S CARS Katie Rizzo Amber Martin Koshuke Kameyama
O BJECTIVES Refresh on some basic grammar Group discuss in two parts Madlib and Scars Write a story Shared experiences Recollect what you have learned
G RAMMAR In linguistics, it is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Pronoun Plural noun Articles What is grammar?Types of Grammar
W HAT IS A N OUN ? A noun is a person, place or thing. Example: cat, house, table
W HAT IS A VERB ? Is a word that conveys action, or a state of being Example: bring, read, walk, run, learn
W HAT IS AN ADJECTIVE ? Is a word whose main role is to modify a noun or pronoun, giving more information about the noun referent Examples: big, small, long, smelly
W HAT IS AN ADVERB ? Adv: a word or group of words that serves to modify a whole sentence, a verb, another adverb, or an adjective. They often end in ly Examples: carefully correctly eagerly easily Margret answered the test question correctly.
W HAT IS A CONJUNCTION ? A conjunction are words that join information in a Sentence or Clause Examples: And As Because The mother and her daughter went to the store.
W HAT IS A PRONOUN ? Pronouns are words that can replace or substitute a Noun or a Noun Phrase Examples: I Me Mine Myself I like ice cream.
W HAT IS AN ARTICLE ? An article is used to show that a Countable Noun is Singular and doesn't refer to any particular example of that Noun. Examples: A An Susie wanted to eat an apple and a banana.
W HAT IS A P LURAL NOUN ? A plural noun is adding the letter S at the end of a noun Example: Dogs Cats Girls Boys It’s raining cats and dogs !
There once was a (1)_________who loved to (2)___________ and did it very(3)_____________. 1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective
S CARS Putting grammar to use in creativity writing. You will be given supplies Mark any scars on your drawing, emotional, physical, mental.(5mins) Get into groups and discuss you scars. Choose which one to write about.(5mins) Write a story on that scar. What you were doing when it happened, how it happened and what you did about it. (10mins) Come back together and share.