L11-12: Design Patterns Definition Iterator (L4: Inheritance) Factory (L4: Inheritance) Strategy (L5: Multiple Inheritance) Composite (L6: Implementation Issues) Template Method (L6: Implementation Issues) Abstract Factory (L7: Polymorphism1) Singleton (L8: Polymorphism2) Prototype (L9 : Design by Contract) Adapter (L10: Exceptions) Facade (L10: Exceptions) Proxy (L10: Exceptions)
Design Patterns Definition: “Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in the environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.”
Classic Reference Chapter 24 of Budd. “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides.
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 10 4 Iterator Problem: How to provide a way to access elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing the underlying representation. Solution: Provide an iterator object for the sole purpose of sequential access.
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 10 5 Example vector vec; vector ::iterator iter; // add stuff to vec … // now traverse vec for (iter=vec.begin(); iter!=vec.end(); iter++) { cout << *iter << endl; }
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 10 6 Consequences Makes changing the order of iteration easy Simplifies the aggregate’s interface Can traverse an aggregate more than once at the same time
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 10 7 Iterators and Algorithms #include vector vec; sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); random_shuffle(vec.begin(), vec.end()); int mx = max(vec.begin(), vec.end());
Factory Method Problem: You have a method that returns a newly created object, but you want subclasses to have the ability to return different types of objects. Solution: Allow the subclass to override the creation method and return a different type of object.
Example class BoardGame { private: Board gameBoard; public: BoardGame() { gameBoard = makeGameBoard(); pieces = makeInitialPieces(); gameBoard.add(pieces); }; virtual Board *makeGameBoard() = 0; virtual Vector makeInitialPieces() = 0; } class OthelloBoardGame : public BoardGame { public: virtual Board *makeGameBoard() { return new OthelloBoard();}; }
Consequences Eliminates the need to bind application- specific classes into code. May cause a large class hierarchy.
Strategy Problem: How do you allow the algorithm that is used to solve a particular problem be easily and dynamically changed by the client? Solution: Define a family of algorithms with a similar interface.
Example class SortableVector: public vector { private: Sorter _sorter; public: void sort() { _sorter.sort(this); }} class Sorter { public: virtual void sort(SortableVector tosort)=0; } class QuickSorter : public Sorter { public: void sort(SortableVector tosort) {... }}
Consequences Families of related algorithms. Alternative to subclassing. Eliminates conditional statements. Clients must be aware of different strategies. Increases the number of objects.
Composite Scope: Object Problem: How do you permit the creation of complex objects using only simple parts? Solution: Provide a small collection of simple components but allow these components to be nested arbitrarily
Consequences Makes the client simple Makes it easy to add new kinds of components Can make the design overly general
Template Method Scope: Class Problem: How do we avoid code duplication when subclasses share similar parts of an algorithm? Solution: Provide a template method that implements the invariant part of the algorithm and makes calls to subclass specific methods.
Example class GamePlayer { private: Player p1, p2; public: void playGame() { do { p1.makeMove(); if (!checkWin()) p2.makeMove(); } while (!checkWin()); } virtual void makeMove()=0; virtual boolean checkWin()=0; }
Consequences Fundamental for code reuse Important for class libraries Factors out common behaviours Parent class calls the operations of a subclass
Abstract Factory Problem: How to provide a mechanism for creating instances of families of related objects without specifying their concrete representations? Solution: Provide a method that returns a new value that is characterised only by an interface or parent class.
class ChessPieceFactory { public: virtual Pawn *makePawn()=0; virtual Rook *makeRook()=0; }; class ChessPieceFactory2D: public ChessPieceFactory { public: Pawn *makePawn() { // make a 2d pawn } Rook *makeRook() { // make a 2d rook } }; void addPiecesToBoard() { Position pos1, pos2, pos3; addPiece(factory->makePawn(), pos1); addPiece(factory->makePawn(), pos2); addPiece(factory->makeRook(), pos3); }
Consequences Isolates concrete classes Makes exchanging product families easy Promotes consistency among products Supporting new kinds of products is difficult
23 Singleton Problem: How do we ensure that there will never be more than one instance of a class created? Solution: Create a class that only allows one instance of itself.
24 Example class Singleton { public: static Singleton &theOne(){ return *the_one;}; private: Singleton(){}; static Singleton *the_one; };... Singleton *Singleton::the_one = new Singleton();
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 7 25 Prototype Problem:How to make new objects when we don’t know the type of object at compile time. Solution: Pass in a prototype variable to the appropriate method (using a parent class) and clone that prototype.
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 7 26 Example class Building { private: Wall *wallPrototype; map walls; public: public Building(Wall *_wallPrototype) { wallPrototype = _wallPrototype;}; void addWall(Location *l) { walls[l] = wallPrototype.clone();}; }
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 7 27 Example Building *house = new Building(new BrickWall()); house->addWall(East); house->addWall(West); Building glassHouse = new Building(new GlassWall()); glassHouse->addWall(East); Building shed = new Building(new CorrugatedIronWall());
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 7 28 Example Modified class Building { public: Building(Wall *wallPrototype) { addWall(East, wallPrototype.clone()); addWall(West, wallPrototype.clone()); addWall(North, wallPrototype.clone()); addWall(South, wallPrototype.clone()); }
COSC346 - Pattern of the Day - Lecture 7 29 Consequences Reduced subclassing. Dynamic composition. Requires a clone method.
Adapter/Facade/Proxy Three very similar design patterns that use intermediary classes between client and workers. Adapter: converts an interface to a subsystem interface a client requires. Facade: defines an interface (with several workers) that makes the subsystem easier to use. Proxy: acts as a placeholder for another object to control access to it.
Adapter Client Adapter Adaptee
Facade Client Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
Proxy Client Proxy Server