Home Propaganda Round up Blackout/Resistance Ban on Religion Hiding Concentration Camps Rising Action Climax Falling Action Hide and Seek by Ida Vos Resolution Setting
Blackout/Resistance This relates to our book because the city Rachel lives in does a blackout drill every night so the German bombers won’t see them Home A girl closes the curtains during a blackout drill Picture courtesy of: This also relates to the Holocaust because many cities, like London, turned off all of the lights in the city so the German bombers would not see them.
Propaganda This relates to our book because Rachel sees the “Eternal Jew” mural everyday on her way to school until one day she scrapes the eyes off with her umbrella Nazi propaganda poster warning Germans about the dangers of east European "subhumans." Home Picture courtesy of: This relates to the Holocaust because Hitler and the Nazi party used propaganda as a way of spreading their beliefs.
Round Up This relates to our book because Rachel and Esther have to hide behind the wall when the Nazis are searching the home they’re hiding in during a round up. Jewish residents are rounded up to be put in ghettos Home Picture courtesy of: This relates to the Holocaust because Nazis would round up Jews to put them in ghettos or concentration camps.
Ban on Religion This relates to our book because Rachel has to pray at home because Jews are not allowed to go to Synagogue Picture courtesy of: Home Jewish people praying at home This relates to the Holocaust because Jews were not allowed to practice their religion in public, synagogue, or in ghettos. Secret churches
Hiding This relates to our book because Rachel has to leave her hometown of Rotterdam because the Nazis are looking for her family. She also has to change her name to Ria. a member of the Kovno ghetto hides supplies in a well used as the entrance to a hiding place in the ghetto Pictures courtesy of: Home This relates to the Holocaust because thousands of Jews survived the Holocaust by hiding.
Concentration Camps This relates to our book because Rachel’s grandparents get sent to Auschwitz. Also, when Miep returns, Rachel sees her tattoo ID and, not wanting Miep to feel left out, draws her own ID number on her arm. Jewish women freed from a factory in Mehlteuer display their tattoos. Home Picture courtesy of: Concentration Camps This relates to the Holocaust because about 4million Jews were sent to concentration camps throughout Europe.
Setting The story is set in the Netherlands, in It begins with Rachel, a Jewish girl, and she is standing in the street, watching the Nazi soldiers march through the city. Nazis march down a street in Munich The Netherlands in 1940 Home Picture courtesy of:
Rising Action Netherlands capitulate and surrender to the Germans Home When Rachel is sent into hiding, her escort removes her star and throws it in the sewer. Rachel is sent into hiding and separated from her parents. Netherlands in 1940 Picture courtesy of:
Climax The climax of the story is when Rachel and Esther have to hide in the cabinet while the Nazis raid the house. Home Pictures courtesy of:
Falling Action Germany Capitulates Home German officers surrendering People returning from concentration camps Rachel’s family is reunited with the family that was sent to camps. Pictures courtesy of:
Resolution The resolution of the story is when the war is over and Rachel and her family can return to Rotterdam. Picture courtesy of: A family reunited after WWII Home