Your “On the Road to Advanced Investing” booklet A pencil
Decode asset allocation Expand your investment knowledge Decipher fund information Invest for your future
How you invest your money among different asset classes A powerful strategy for balancing risk and return May account for up to 90% of investment performance
Your time horizon Your risk tolerance Your total financial picture
1. To obtain above- average returns on my investment, I am willing to accept above-average risk.
2. Staying ahead of inflation is very important to me.
3. If an investment loses money over the course of a year, I can easily resist the temptation to sell it.
4. This money is intended for retirement. I do not plan on taking it out for major financial expenses.
5. I consider myself knowledgeable about economic issues and personal investing.
A mutual fund pools the money of investors with mutual investing goals A mutual fund is diversified
Money markets Treasury bills Certificates of deposit Guaranteed investment contracts (GICs)
Bond funds may contain government or corporate bonds Bonds are classified by their rating Bonds are also classified by their time to maturity
Ratings can help you understand default risk Low-rated bonds may pay higher interest Many different rating agencies
Market cap is total value of all stock company has issued Domestic stocks classified by market cap
Stock funds also classified by market cap The capital value of an “average” company in the fund’s portfolio
Investment summaries Portfolio highlights Fund prospectuses
Fund objective Investment strategy Portfolio characteristics Risk and return Performance Diversification Largest holdings
Fund class Fund objective Investment strategy
Total assets$10,000 Liabilities–$2,000 Net assets=$8,000 Number of shares÷4,000 Net Asset Value=$2.00 (N.A.V.)
Beta Expense ratio Turnover rate
Risk indicator
Performance Put performance into perspective
Diversification Largest holdings
Personal account access Contact information Contribution allocations Fund transfers
Fund information Performance Prices Investment summaries
On the Web at More detail on fund strategy Technical investment information More detail on investments held
Buy strategy Sell strategy Investor profile
Value of a hypothetical investment $10,000 invested in the fund
Fund statistics Average capitalization Price to earnings ratio Earnings per share Securities held
Provides all the vital information you need to know before investing
Decode asset allocation Expand your investment knowledge Decipher fund information Invest for your future
Increase your contribution! Adjust your investment selection if necessary Roll over and consolidate outstanding balances from other accounts