Aim: Vietnam War Do Now: Vocabulary Builder Homework: Page 785 #4-6 *Vocabulary Quiz on Friday *Scrapbooks due 5/11 *Cold War Test on Tuesday
Korean War After World War II, Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel North Korea was governed by communists supported by the Soviet Union US backed non- communist government in South Korea
Advances and Retreats 1950, North Korea moved across the 38 th Parallel Truman sent in army was unsuccessful at keeping North Koreans back By August, communists controlled almost all of Korea
Turning Point Douglas Macarthur led surprise attack and pushed North Koreans back past 38 th Parallel MacArthur wanted to unite Korea and sent troops into North Korea Chinese troops moved into North Korea and Americans retreated back into South Korea
Ending the War MacArthur wanted to attack China, in order to regain total control Truman thought an attack would begin another world war and rejected the idea After almost 2 years of peace talks, President Eisenhower led a cease- fire between the two nations
Costs of War 54,000 Americans lost their lives during the Korean War 2 million Koreans and Chinese, lost their lives Today, North Korea still remains a threat to the U.S.
Struggle over Countries US and Soviet Union struggled over nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America Both the Soviets and the US gave aid to these nations, hoping to influence them
Philippines Philippines granted independence on July 4, 1946 Communist rebels attempted to gain power, but were defeated In 1965, Ferdinand Marcos became President
India and Southeast Asia In 1947, India gained independence from Britain India divided into two nations; India and Pakistan Pakistan became an ally of the US India remained neutral but accepted money from both superpowers
African Nations More than 30 nations gained independence in the 50’s and 60’s US and Soviet Union competed for allies, providing economic and military support Superpowers fueled many civil wars in Africa
Latin America Throughout the Cold War, American Presidents supported dictators because they were anti- communist Latin America were angry with the US for using the “Big Stick Policy”
Vietnam War North Vietnam became a communist nation under Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam remained loyal to the United States Communist Guerrillas called Vietcong spread influence within South Vietnam
Domino Theory The idea that if one nation in Southeast Asia fell to communism, neighboring countries would as well US sent in troops to help prevent communist control over South Vietnam
US involvement increases Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed President to take all necessary measures to repeal any armed attack or to prevent further aggression By 1968 President Johnson sent more than 500,000 troops to fight
Division at Home Hawks: Pro-War Doves: Pro-Peace Media allowed Americans to view ugly side of war, causing more opposition
End of War Tet Offensive: Vietcong attacked Saigan, the Capital of South Vietnam Even though US troops pushed Vietcong back, US realized how strong Vietcong were Nixon was elected with promise of ending the war Between 1961 and 1973, over 58,000 Americans lost their lives More that a million Vietnamese soldiers die and a half a million civilians died War made many question how far the US should go to fight communism?