Reto M. Hummelshøj Project coordinator 1 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012 Coordinators meeting Brussels Oct. 2012
ECO-City project Main project figures: ›22 project partners from ›5 countries ›3 Communities ›Cost budget 28.7 mio. € ›EU support 11.4 mio. € ›Project application 2003 ›Project period ECO-CITY STATUS OCT
Main Components ›ECO-Buildings ›ECO-dwellings: about 1500 dwellings in many forms of buildings ›Tertiary buildings: schools, offices, commercial, institution, cultural, sport ›55% refurbishment ›Renewable energy: ›Use of solar, biomass, biogas, heat pumps, waste, (wind) etc. ›Polygeneration ›Biogas from organic household / industrial waste for transport, CHP and fertiliser ›Integrated free cooling concepts using river water, ground source heat pumps and district heating driving absorption cooling ›Integration ›Whole building / community approach, monitoring & knowledge sharing, training, dissemination ›Innovations ›Intelligent metering. Use of waste / storage. Ground source simulation program OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
Target for main demonstration elements after latest contract amendment 4 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
ECO-City Progress October OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
›We are proud ! 6 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012 Community RES el.RES heat./cool.RES heat./cool. solar space foreseencompletedprogressforeseencompletedprogressforeseencompletedprogress [kW] [%][kW] [%][m 2 ] [%] Helsingborg/Helsingør % % % Tudela58 100% %555194% Trondheim00#DIV/0! %151493% Community Buildings newBuildings refurbishedPolygeneration capacity foreseencompletedprogressforeseencompletedprogressforeseencompletedprogress [m 2 ] [%][m 2 ] [%][kW] [%] Helsingborg/Helsingør % % % Tudela % %00#DIV/0! Trondheim % % %
Peculiarities Actual U-values in ECO-City 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS MeasureTrondheim (Ranheimveien, passive house) H+H (Björka Ödåkra passive house) Tudela (New ECO- buildings) Façade W/m ²K Roof W/m ²K Ground floor W/m ²K Windows W/m ²K Ventilation rateh
A few glimpses from Helsingborg and Helsingør 8 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
BEST table numberProjectAreaEnergy savingsCO2 savings Energy cost savingsInvestment Simple pay- back time m2kWh/yearTon/yearEUR/yearEUR H+H 1. NewMaria Park H+H 1. NewFronten H+H 1. NewLaröd Östra, phase H+H 1. NewLaröd Östra, phase H+H 1. NewBjörka Ödåkra H+H 1. NewPortalen H+H 2. New ECO LightMaria Sofia H+H 2. New ECO LightMaria Sofia H+H 2. refurbishedParkkvarteret Norra Vallgatan H+H 2. refurbishedParkkvarteret Norra vallgatan H+H 2. refurbishedHamilton appartments H+H 2. refurbishedStattena H+H 2. refurbishedVattentårnet H+H 2. refurb. adm.Hamilton office H+H 5.Cultural Yard H+H 4.Grydemose School H+H 3.Prøvestenen Total community Impact of ECO-City buildings in Helsingør/Helsingborg 22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS
22 OCT ECO-CITY STATUS Example of CO2 emission (Grydemoseskolen) 60% savings with 5-10 year pay-back
Environmental impact of ECO-City 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 COMMON ECO-CITY MEETING IN TUDELA 11 28%
Overall reduction of energy consumption 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 COMMON ECO-CITY MEETING IN TUDELA 12 Environmentao impact of ECO-City 35% (target: 25-35%)
18 SEPTEMBER 2012 COMMON ECO-CITY MEETING IN TUDELA 13 Environmental impact of ECO-City 775 households Extra investment demand side 7.9 mio € vs. investment supply side 7.8 mio €
First 62 og 300 passive house dwellings completed in Miljøbyen Granås in Trondheim OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
100 ECO-dwellings in Tudela received 1st prize of best energy efficiency and sustainable city development in Spain 17 Oct OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012
Overall Objectives in ECO-City project - achieved ›Energy savings 4000 households equivalent in project and further impact of same magnitude ›Influencing inhabitants ›Electricity savings of 20.2 GWh/y (incl waste storage and planned wind) ›Heat savings of 75.4 GWh/y ›CO2 savings of 26,500 ton/y ›Affordable pay-back periods of years ›Being a pilot demo project as a ambassador for sustainable town development in the 3 regions from north to south in Europe OCT ECO-CITY STATUS 2012