The Cold War Begins! Cold War Europe
Stalin and Truman Argue What to do with Defeated Germany? “Bargaining Away” Eastern Europe at Yalta…why?
Dividing Berlin: In the MIDDLE of Soviet Sector!
Truman and Containment: The Truman Doctrine Trouble in Greece and Turkey, 1947: Communism threatening! Truman pledges AID to non-communists Sets up policy of CONTAINMENT
Marshall Plan DIVIDES Europe Economically! $13 Billion in aid to NON-COMMUNIST COUNTRIES Offered to Eastern European countries, but they did not accept: WHY? Long-term effects felt today!
Three Sectors Merge: Germany is divided! West Germany East Germany Stalin’s reaction: close off border to Berlin Truman’s response? Berlin Airlift 1949! “Poker Game” between USA and USSR: who will back down first?
In 1949, USSR successfully tests Nuclear Weapon How is the Cold War “fought?” – Arms Race – Space Race (Sputnik) – Threats – Fear/Suspicion – Expanding influence as much as possible (Latin America, Africa, etc.)
“An Iron Curtain has descended across Europe…” Winston Churchill says this in 1947 What does he mean? NATO and Warsaw Pact – Military alliances
Crisis in Cuba: The Cold War gets “Hot” Rise of Fidel Castro Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 Khrushchev vs. Kennedy – Eventually, US pulls our missiles from Turkey and USSR pulls from Cuba – Closest we’ve come to nuclear war!
Closest to Nuclear War since 1945!
Berlin: A City Divided “Brain Drain” causes 3 million East Germans to leave from Our U2 Spy Plane shot down! Khrushchev closes border, August 13, 1961 US is disgusted, but not willing to go to war over Berlin
Images from the Wall
An East German Guard leaves
So how can you escape?
Peter Fechter: One of many casualties of the Wall Why didn’t anyone SAVE HIM?!?!?!