Annual Override and Bond Update October 8, 2015 Ken Hicks, Business Services
M&O Override Expenditures FY15 FY16 Supplement Extracurricular/Athletics $2.7 M $2.7 M Support Schools$14.3 M $14.7 M – Class Size – P.E. – Nurses – Assistant Principals – Reading & Intervention Specialist – Gifted – Band, Music and Art
Annual Bond Program Update
Bond Program Background $180 million authorized in 2012
2012 Bond Program Bond ProjectsEstimated Costs Renovate and improve existing elementary schools (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems) $67,200,000 Renovate and improve existing high schools excluding the structure otherwise known as Old Main on the Peoria High School campus (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems) $47,800,000 Purchase public transportation and campus support vehicles $22,900,000 Purchase technology equipment and infrastructure to support access and connectivity as it relates to education and the classroom $40,400,000 Renovate and improve existing administrative facilities such as food services, transportation services, and maintenance facilities (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems) $1,700,000 Total Bond Authorization$180,000,000
2012 Bond Program Beginning fund balance at July 1, 2014 $ 8,685,184 Revenue $ 27,044,950 Subtotal $ 35,730,134 Expenses $ (27,967,158) Ending fund balance at June 30, 2015 $ 7,762,976 Unsold bonds at June 30, 2015 $ 108,800,000
2012 Bond Program Bond Projects Current Project Budgets as of 6/30/14 Original Project Budgets on Voter Pamphlet Project Expenses Through 6/30/14 Remaining Funds Renovate and improve existing elementary schools (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems)$67,200,000 $20,184,325$47,015,675 Renovate and improve existing high schools excluding the structure otherwise known as Old Main on the Peoria High School campus (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems)$47,800,000 $16,184,501$31,615,499 Purchase public transportation and campus support vehicles$22,900,000 $6,101,084$16,798,916 Purchase technology equipment and infrastructure to support access and connectivity as it relates to education and the classroom$40,400,000 $18,931,086$21,468,914 Renovate and improve existing administrative facilities such as food services, transportation services, and maintenance facilities (including furnishing and equipment, energy management systems, alternative energy and security systems)$1,700,000 $2,127,079$(427,079) Total Bond Authorization$180,000,000 $63,528,075$116,511,902
2012 Bond Program Renovation/Technology (Elementary) – HVAC Upgrades: Ira Murphy, Heritage, Kachina, Pioneer, Desert Palms, Foothills, Copperwood, Sundance, Cotton Boll, Oakwood, Sahuaro Ranch, Oasis, Sky View, Apache, Marshall Ranch, Paseo Verde, Cheyenne, and Frontier – Projector Cabling Program: Kachina, Heritage, Copperwood, Sundance, Oakwood, Sun Valley, Apache, Canyon, Marshall Ranch, Frontier, Coyote Hills, Sky View, Santa Fe, Frontier, Zuni Hills, Parkridge, Vistancia, and Lake Pleasant
2012 Bond Program Renovation/Technology (Elementary) – Computer Replacement: Peoria Elementary, Ira Murphy, Kachina, Heritage, Alta Loma, Desert Palms, Foothills, Copperwood, Sundance, Cotton Boll, Oakwood, Desert Valley, Sahuaro Ranch, Oasis, Sun Valley, Sky Valley, Sky View, Apache, Canyon, Marshall Ranch, Santa Fe, Paseo Verde, Desert Harbor, Cheyenne, Frontier, Country Meadows, Coyote Hills, Zuni Hills, Parkridge, Vistancia, Lake Pleasant, Peoria Traditional, and Sunset Heights – Fire Alarm Replacement/Upgrade: Copperwood, Oakwood, Oasis, Cheyenne, Country Meadows, Coyote Hills, and Zuni Hills
2012 Bond Program Renovation (Elementary) – Flooring Replacement/Upgrade: Kachina, Pioneer, Desert Palms, Sundance, Sahuaro Ranch, Sky View, Canyon, Santa Fe, Paseo Verde, and Country Meadows – Playground Replacement/Repair: Peoria Elementary, Ira Murphy, Heritage, Alta Loma, Sundance, Sun Valley, Marshall Ranch, Heritage, Frontier, Coyote Hills, & Zuni Hills – Roofing Renovation: Kachina, Sundance, Santa Fe, Sun Valley, Canyon, Paseo Verde, Desert Harbor and Coyote Hills
2012 Bond Program Renovation/Technology (High School) – Computer Replacement Program: Peoria, Cactus, Ironwood, Centennial, Sunrise Mountain, Raymond Kellis, Peoria Traditional, Liberty and MET Academy – HVAC Renovations: Peoria, Cactus, Ironwood, Sunrise Mountain and Centennial – Projector Installation Program: Peoria, Ironwood, Centennial, Sunrise Mountain, Raymond Kellis and Liberty
2012 Bond Program Renovation/Technology/Vehicles (Support) – Computer Replacement Program: District Administration Center, Cholla Annex, and Transportation Center – HVAC Renovation: District Administration Center and Cholla Annex – Student Vehicle Purchases: 9 Regular Education Buses
Future Plans o 2012 Bond program – bond sale each year for next three years o Continue facility and site improvements o Continue technology enhancements o Continue transportation o Additional need: o Facilities o Renovations o Technology o Capacity and impact
Bond Tax Rates
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