Thierry D’hers Group Program Manager SQL Server Reporting Services BIN206
Thierry D’hers Group Program Manager SQL Server Reporting Services BIN206
RDBETLOLAPReportingRDB + DM + ETL + OLAP + ReportingDM
SQL Server 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack Report Builder 2.0 SQL Server 2008 General Availability Authoring & Collaboration (Acquisition: 90 Degree) Office Integration (Acquisition: SoftArtisans) SQL Server 2005 Report Builder 1.0 Report Builder 1.0 (Acquisition: ActiveViews) Rich Data Visualization (Acquisition: Dundas) Reporting Services Investments Timeline
RS MVP Bloggers & Authors Teo Lachev Chris Webb Brian Larson Paul Turley Russell Christopher RS Team Bloggers RS Team Blog Chris Hays Bob Meyers Robert Bruckner Chris Baldwin John Gallardo Lukasz Pawlowski James Wu Brian Hartman Sean Boon Alex Gorev
OLEDB ODBC ADO.NET VS Data Connection UI OLEDB Data Link UI ODBC Admin UI Microsoft Query Office Data Connection Wizard ODBC Connection Wizards Excel Report Builder Visual Studi o SQL ASAS Oracle... S AP... XLSMDB Model Designer RS Data Source UI AS Data Source UI Report Designer... File Drivers (ISAM) RelationalOLAPFile
Flexible Report Layout Tablixe + Matr Reporting Services 2008
Extensive Report Authoring Hierarchical rows with dynamic headers (hierarchical row headers in matrix) WashingtonTotal80100 Seattle5060 Spokane3040 OregonTotal6080 Portland4050 Eugene Washington80100 Seattle 5060 Spokane 3040 Oregon6080 Portland 4050 Eugene 2030 Current Desired Reporting Services 2008
Extensive Report Authoring Parallel Dynamic Groups TableChair WASeattle2030 Spokane1020 ORPortland10 Eugene WASeattle5060 Spokane3040 ORPortland4050 Eugene2030 Current Desired YearProduct TableChair WASeattle Spokane ORPortland Eugene Reporting Services 2008
Extensive Report Authoring Non-detail aggregates in subtotals (does not make sense as a detail) NYJoe5060 Sue80100 TotalCount22 Sales Avg NYJoeCount11 Sales5060 Avg5060 SueCount11 Sales80100 Avg80100 TotalCount22 Sales Avg6580 Current Desired... Reporting Services 2008
Cool looking Data Visualization Enriched Visualizations - Chart Richer end user experience with new visualization engine Chart Examples Reporting Services 2008
Cool looking Data Visualization Enriched Visualizations – Chart Reporting Services 2008
Colored maps based on auto or user defined scales Routes, pinpoint… Cool looking Data Visualization: and soon…
Sessions On-Demand & Community Resources for IT Professionals Resources for Developers Microsoft Certification and Training Resources Microsoft Certification & Training Resources Resources Required Slide Speakers, TechEd 2009 is not producing a DVD. Please announce that attendees can access session recordings at TechEd Online. Required Slide Speakers, TechEd 2009 is not producing a DVD. Please announce that attendees can access session recordings at TechEd Online.
Related Content Breakout Sessions BIN03-INT - Upgrading, Configuring, Deploying, and Managing Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Monday 11 th 1PM BIN208 – Fifth Annual Business Intelligence hour Wednesday 13 th 10:15 AM BIN304 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services: Tips and Tricks, How-to, and Beyond Wednesday 13 th 4:30PM Interactive Theater Sessions BIN02-INT - Best Practices for Deploying Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services in a SharePoint Environment Wednesday 13 th 1PM Hands-on Labs BIN05-HOL Report Builder 2.0 Report Authoring and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Required Slide Speakers, please list the Breakout Sessions, TLC Interactive Theaters and Labs that are related to your session. Required Slide Speakers, please list the Breakout Sessions, TLC Interactive Theaters and Labs that are related to your session.
SQL Server Community Resources Become a FREE PASS Member: Learn more about the PASS organization Additional Community Resources SQL Server Community Center center.aspx TechNet Community for IT Professionals Developer Center SQL Server 2008 Learning Portal Connect: Local Chapters, Special Interest Groups, Online Community Share: PASSPort Social Networking, Community Connection Event Learn: PASS Summit Annual Conference, Technical Articles, Webcasts More about the PASS organization Connect: Local Chapters, Special Interest Groups, Online Community Share: PASSPort Social Networking, Community Connection Event Learn: PASS Summit Annual Conference, Technical Articles, Webcasts More about the PASS organization The Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) is an independent, not-for-profit association, dedicated to supporting, educating, and promoting the Microsoft SQL Server community.
SQL Server Word of the Day RESOURCE GOVERNOR Tuesday, May 12 *Game cards may be picked up at the SQL Server booths in the TLC
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