Harmful Effects of Plastic Bag Usage
Once plastic bags come to deform, chemicals affect the environment negatively and they contaminate our food chain gradually.
Only 1 percent of them are recycled, and the rest (99 percent ) remains in the environment.
Once they begin to deform, chemicals release into the environment and have a variety of adverse ecological effects as these chemicals contaminate the earth, water and finally our food chain.
Animals living in the sea such as seals, dolphins and whales may eat the plastic bags thrown into the sea as they may think these plastic bags as food. Thus, this may cause their death by damaging their digestive systems.
How the countries deal with this problem? FlagCountrySolution AmericaUsage of petrol-based bags in the pharmacies amd shopping malls is banned. FranceThe usage of plastic bag has been banned in Paris this year. This prohibition will be implemented throughout the whole country in TaiwanAs well as plastic bags, plastic forks, spoons and cups are also banned. Ireland There is a taxation for plastic bags here. Each plastic bag is 20 cent. KenyaSince 2008, usage of plastic bags have been prohibited. South AfricaPeople are not allowed to use thin plastic bags but they can use more recyled ones. UgandaThin plastic bags were banned. And the tick ones are subject to tax. RuandaUsing any kind of plastic bags have not been allowed for 2 years. IndiaThe prohibition came to existance on 9 January. People who violates the prohibition are subject to either 5 year inprisonment or high money punishment. Turkeythere are some domestic managements which apply this ban.
What we supposed to do about this topic’s solutions? Cloth or paper bags should be used.