Team Players Do Work toward the most creative solution Listen to all ideas offered Remind the group of the need to be positive Use encouraging words like “Great Idea!” “How could we make that work?” and “Let me help you.”
Team Players Don’t Don’t blame other teammates from things not working Use statements like “That’s stupid” Exclude other people or ideas Grab materials from teammates Laugh at teammates or their ideas
Dice Challenge Move the 5 dice from the paper cup to the plastic bag. You can not use your mouth or your hands. You have 3 minutes.
How did your group complete the challenge? How did your group communicate with each other?
Paper Clip Challenge As a team use the paper clips to make the longest chain that you can. Your dominate hand needs to be behind your back. You may not talk to your team members.
How did your group complete the challenge? How did your group communicate with each other?