Reviewer Education Module III
THANK YOU! Your efforts for COPE are greatly appreciated by everyone involved in the development of the program. Your efforts ultimately constitute the success of COPE for the benefit of the profession.
The Review Packet Cover Sheet – Contains Deadline Evaluation Form Application for Course Qualification Course Outline Instructor(s)’ Curriculum Vitae Instructor Acknowledge letter (if needed) If any of the items are not included in the packet, contact the COPE office immediately.
Criteria for Course Qualification Must contribute to professional competency and scientific knowledge. Must have scientific and educational integrity. Must have an outline that demonstrates the course description and reflects the course content. Must provide handouts to all participants. Must be taught in an appropriate manner and allow suitable time. Must provide disclosure of proprietary information. Must be approved prior to presentation.
Application for Course Qualification (Continued) Both pages must be completely filled in. Instructor(s) must meet required doctoral equivalent levels. Title must adequately describe the course.
Application for Course Qualification (Continued) Course Description 35 words or less. NOT a substitute for the course outline. Financial or Proprietary Interest Disclosure
Application for Course Qualification) (Continued) Choosing the Course Category Only One Course Category May Be Selected Courses with several topics should be categorized by the topic that will be covered for the majority of course General Optometry should only be used if no other category applies
Application for Course Qualification (Continued) Course Presentation: –Lecture –Interactive/Workshop –Panel –Symposia/Scientific Lecture –Grand Rounds –Correspondence –Internet/Online
Application for Course Qualification (Continued) Recorded Media (video; DVD/CD-ROM--or similar digitally recorded medium; audio-- cassette, CD, etc.; correspondence--book, magazine, etc.; Internet) Name of institution sponsoring post-course test. Statement from sponsoring institution. Test (10 questions per hours of credit and answer key. Method of test distribution.
Course Format Definitions Live – instructor in same room with participants. Video – entire course is taught via video. Audio – entire course taught via audiotape. DVD/CD-ROM – entire course taught from a computer disc and participants have hands-on interaction via computer. Satellite – Entire course is taught live via satellite or satellite transmission. Written – entire course taught via written or printed media. Internet/Online – entire course accessed only via Internet connection with interactive participation of individual.
Application for Course Qualification) (Continued) CEE Course – Must be at least 2 hours in length Name of institution sponsoring post-course test. Statement from sponsoring institution. Test (10 questions per hour of credit) and answer key. Method of test distribution.
Course Outline Suggested minimum of 2 full pages per credit hour. Consider margins, font size, etc. First page should include instructors name, address and telephone number. First page should include a clearly identified course title. Sufficient detail to be used as a reference tool by participants. Printout of PowerPoint presentation may be submitted in lieu of outline.
Curriculum Vitae Customary Form Chronological Entries NO Biographical Sketches Double-check doctoral level If not doctoral level, or at least an assistant professor at a school or college of Optometry, may only serve as an adjunct instructor.
Self-Assessment – Module III To access the Self-assessment for this module click on the link below to return to the Reviewer Training Home Page. Once the self-assessment is completed it will be graded. If you receive a passing score the next module will become available for you online. If you don’t pass you will be given the opportunity to take the test again.