7 August, 2006Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting1 The Detector Chapter of The Detector Concept Report 学術創成定例月会議 8月7日 宮本彰也.


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Presentation transcript:

7 August, 2006Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting1 The Detector Chapter of The Detector Concept Report 学術創成定例月会議 8月7日 宮本彰也

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 2 The RDR and DCR DCR is associated with the RDR: Due end of 2006 Detector Concept Report consists of  Physics section : ~50 Pages – Editors: Klaus Moening, Yasuhiro Okada, Joe Lykken, Mark Oreglia, Satoru Yamashita, Adbelhak Djouadi – Wiki page:  Detector section: ~150 pages – Editors: Ties Behnke, C.J.S.Damerell, John Jaros, A.M. DCR is for Non-ILC HEP researchers/beginners Executive summary  Executive summaries of RDR+DCR physics + DCR detector  Executive Summary with a help of communication experts

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 3 The Detector Section Based on four DOD's and input from experts Prepared by 4 editors + authors to be enlisted Goal of the detector chapter: To demonstrate that  Detectors which can do the ILC physics are within reach  Several detector concepts are being pursued  Advances in detector technology are needed  The case for detector and concept R&D are made  A good plan for the needed detector R&D exists; additional support is required  We have some understanding of detector costs  There is a strong case for 2IRs and 2 detectors  The world wide ILC experimentalists are united to produce this document.

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 4 Activities of the Detector Editors Bangalore, LCWS2006.  Detector editor met for the first time and exchanged initial idea  Met with physics editor  Version 1 was presented at LCWS2006 Joined WWS phone meetings in April and June to discuss the DCR. Held phone meetings: 29 June & 6 July, and discussed the outline of the detector part Phone meeting with physics editors on 13 July Version 2 presented at VLCW06 Met GDE EC during VLCW06 DCR Detector Wiki page prepared

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 5 The Outline of the Detector Chapter 1.General Introduction 2.Challenges for Detector Design and Technology 3.Introduction to the Detector Concepts 4.MDI Issues 5.Subsystem Designs and Technologies 6.Sub-Detector Performance 7.Integrated Physics Performance 8.Why We need 2IRs and 2 Detectors 9.Detector Costs 10.Future Options 11.Next Step 12.Conclusion

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 6 1. General Introduction 3-5 pages, by Editors To describe  A brief description of the ILC Physics. Physics target of ILC detectors. – Baseline physics at GeV – Extendability to 1TeV and/or optional running of  /  e, Zpole, W threshold etc.  The functionality that an ILC detector should have: – Tracking, vertexing, calorimetry, hermeticity, background consideration, trigger  Organization of this document

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 7 2. Challenge for Detector Design and Technology pages: by Editors + experts To describe:  The needs for the detector performance – Jet energy resolution: Required lum. vs resolution. + Process: ZH, ZHH, SUSY, WW/ZZ. Resol. vs Lum – Momentum resolution: + Recoil mass of ZH  llX : – Vertexing at ILC + H  ccbar : – Luminosity, Energy, and Polarization measurements – The usual suspects at ILC: + Lepton ID, hermeticity, solid angle coverage Experts work is essential: show results to each other and agree on results

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 8 3. Introduction to the Detector Concepts By Concept Coordinators, ~5 pages per concept Describe  Concept of concept teams: Concept teams are not collaborations.  Motivation, rationale, design overview, performance goals of LDC, GLD, SiD, 4 th

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 9 4. MDI Issues By MDI panel, together with concept experts: pages Describe the ILC environment, Backgrounds, and the Machine Detector Interface, such as  Timing and bunch structure, impact on design  Background evaluation, Robustness and timing requirements.  Describe based on the base line configuration of 2mrad and 20 mrad. And show that detectors can work with this configuration.  Description of other configurations such as 14 mrad, etc, are described as options 2mrad/20mrad  14mrad/14mrad if the base line is changed. We nee new inputs for 14mrad case

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Subsystem designs and technologies By R&D panel + editors Describe how each subsystem looks like, what kind of technologies exists for them, technological challenges, and required R&D to achieve goals. Anticipated Subsystems and page length 1.BeamCAL (~3page) 2.Vertex Detector (~7pages) 3.Tracking: TPC/Si Hybrid(~5 pages), Si Monolithic (~5pages) 4.Calorimetry: Ecal&Hcal ; describe major technologies and concepts (15~20pages) 5.Solenoids(~ 5pages) 6.Muon System(~5 pages) 7.LEP(~5pages) 8.Electronics and DAQ(~5pages)

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Sub-Detector performance pages: by Editors with Concept Reps. Based on results from Concepts and other studies Pickup typical results Describe typical performances such as  Tracking performance: efficiency, purity, solid angle coverage, momentum resolution  PFA performance  Vertexing performance  Lepton ID Results should be based on FULL MC. New work is required.

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Physics Performance ~ 10 pages: by Editors + Concept Reps/Experts. Fast MC result will be in physics part Show results based on full MC  To support results by fast MC  New work is needed / contributions are highly welcomed We will incorporate as many new results as possible We need them soon At least, we will show that  There are efforts to study physics performances based on full simulation  Some preliminary results on some process supports arguments in physics part

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Why we need 2 IRs and 2 Detectors 3-5 pages : By 2IR task force  Based on document at EN0059.PDF  New arguments are welcomed

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Detector Costs ~5 pages : WWS Costing panel + WWSOC Describes  Methodology: Be consistent with the Acc. Costing  Based on the information from the concepts  "Average" costs

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Future Options 5-10 pages: Editors with inputs from experts Describe  Overview of option physics  Detectors are optimized for e+e- physics, but will be modified if LC500 and/or LHC results motivate to go for option physics.  Needed changes to detectors, and needed R&D

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 16 5 pages : Editors + WWSOC Describe  Steps toward detector TDR  Need discussion in WWSOC  Plan after DCR; – Detector optimization: better understanding of detector performance based on full simulations. – Subsystem R&D : Proposed detector subsystem technologies have to be confirmed by R&D. – Plans of concept teams… 11. Next Step

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting Conclusion 2-4 pages: by Editors Conclusion would be  Based on detector concepts, we showed that detectors which can do the ILC physics are within our reach  The case are made for the detector concept R&D and technology R&D.  We have some understanding of detector costs  There is a strong case for 2IRs and 2 detectors

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 18 Time line to prepare the detector chapter Time line:  At Vancouver: – Propose the outline – Authors are nominated/selected  By End of September – First draft including major part of figures collected. – Some figures will be preliminary  By End of October=ECFA meeting at Valencia – Combine drafts, make a balance, editing  By End of November – Get feedback from community  By end of 2006: – Shape up and complete DCR

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 19 Implication to Gakujyutsu Sousei DCR Detector will be an important document to show  The case of the ILC physics  The case of the ILC detectors DCR subjects considerably overlap with Gakujyutsu Sousei subjects In parallel to the activities in GLD/LDC/SiD, many Japanese contributions to DCR are highly welcomed

7 August, 2006 Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting 20 Expected Gakujyutsu Sousei Contribution 2. Challenges for detector designs and technologies  What defines a goal of detector performance. (Yamashita san) 4. MDI Issues  Can detector work with 14mrad Xing ? (Yamamoto san) 5. Subsystem designs and technologies: VTX, TPC, CAL  What technologies exist, technological challenges, required R&D..  To R&D Panel (Sugimoto san) 6. Expected sub-detector performance by Full MC.  Vertex resolution, Tracking Momentum, PFA, etc. (A.M.) 7. Physics Performance by Full MC  ZH, etc. (Fujii san) Please send inputs (or plan of inputs) by the end of August. Your inputs on other items are equally welcomed.

7 August, 2006Gakujyutsu Sousei Monthly Meeting21 Backup slides