Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/RER/3402 (D) Wrap up Session Belgrade, Serbia Hotel Best Western M 19 July 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/RER/3402 (D) Wrap up Session Belgrade, Serbia Hotel Best Western M 19 July 2013

Output 4: Purpose/Objectives OutputActivities Output 4: Regional disease surveillance network established and disease survey completed for 3 key pathogens/diseases Establish a regional disease surveillance programme record keeping for aquaculture farms and harmonized methodology (agreed elements of surveillance) for regionally important diseases of finfish: VHS/IPN, KHV, SVC database management and data analysis and presentation (AAH Information system) pilot testing Manual (design, sampling, questionnaires, etc.)

Participation Day 1: Total 34 (F: 22 ; M: 12) Day 2: Total 32 (F: 20; M: 12) Day 3: Total 33 (F: 21; M: 12) Day 4: Total 30 (F: 20; M: 10 )

Regional Workshop Process 4 Sessions; total of xx presentations –Setting the scene, national situation –Basic concepts and principles (terrestrial and aquatic) –Plenary and WGs –Conclusions and the Way Forward 3 Working Groups 4 Tasks (2 plenary; 2 as WG)

Working Group Tasks (18 July) to achieve Output 4: surveillance 1.PLENARY: Pathogens that will be the subject of national and regional surveillance based on xxx criteria and xx objectives of targetted surveillance exotic disease (demonstration of freedom) diseases for official control 2.WORKING GROUP: Comment/s on draft surveillance design and recommendations for implementation of surveillance using a checklist of elements for surveillance and Croatian surveillance template 3.WORKING GROUP: Improved template (survey questionnaires for Passive Surveillance) 4.PLENARY: Time-frame to implement Output 4 and other issues

Working Group 1

Working Group 2

Working Group 3

Highlights of WG discussions: Task 1: Plenary discussions on list of pathogens for surveillance, criteria used, aims/objectives of surveillance CriteriaExoticControl 1. VHS/IHN OIE/EU listed, present in country 1/5, economically important 5/5, protection of national aquaculture 5/5 NoYes 5/5 2. SVCOIE listed, present in country 1/5, economically important 5/5, protection of national aquaculture 5/5 NoPassive 2/5, Active 3/5 3. KHVOIE/EU listed, Present in country 0/5 countries Economically impt 3/5 YesPassive 3/5, Active 2/5 Exotic in the context of a surveillance goal: presence or absence of pathogen based on historical data, presence or absence of susceptible species; surveillance and confirmation by a reference laboratory

Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/3: Surveillance design (checklist and Croatian template) WG1 Yes: 6 elements (1,4,5,8,10,11) No/needs improvement: 6 elements (2,3,6,7,9,12) WG2 Need to improve on elements - Risk analysis and methodology - Data management (data collection, analysis, evaluation, disemination) - Program validation (evaluation of the program, review of the program) - Quality assurance in sense of procedures, review and corrective measures - Disease clustering due to existence of several farms at one river / lake WG3 Yes: 7 elements (1,2,3,4,5,6,11) No/needs improvement: 5 elements (7,8,9,10,12) VHS/ IHN SVC KHV

Highlights of WG discussions: Task 2: Surveillance design (implementation) WG1 Movement control WG2 Development of the detailed surveillance program that will contain all elements needed for scientific evaluation, verification and improvement to be used by the CAs and other relevant institutions Separete implementation instruction for stakeholders WG3 Details on improving Elements 7,8,9,10,12 were provided VHS/ IHN SVC KHV

Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/3: Surveillance design (passive surveillance) WG1 Awareness and education of farmers (surveillance and reporting, biosecurity, aquatic diseases) Building of trust relationship Subsidy for good farmers WG2 Clear information on: Disease Clinical sympthoms including pictures Susceptible species Manner of completing of the clinical investigation (for vets and for owners) Keeping of the farm Records Development of the standardized reporting forms - Including parts for public and specific form for professionals in accordance with the international / national requirements 3 WG3 Procedure for veterinarians and vet inspector suspicion/ occurence of disease, sampling, type and size of the sample, packaging and sending of the material on diagnostic testing Questionnaire filled during passive surveillance on fish farm need consist following data: Data on owner Location Presence/ absence other aquaculture farms (location and distance, on the common water area...) Aquaculture species, type of production, capacity Estimated time of start of disease- mortality (amount of mortality, category, species, symptoms noted) VHS/ IHN SVC KHV

Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/3: Surveillance design (passive surveillance) WG1WG2 3. Clear chain of reporting described 4. Allocation of incentives for responsible owners 5. Introduction of rendom controls at the 5% of farms/year 6. Conduction of targeted education and media campaign 7. Development of the IS? WG3 Feeding - Type of food, data on producer (from the same producer, how often, changes in supplier) Feed control (in place or not, how often, remarks- analysis results – fulfill conditions/ uncomplients) Water control (in place or not, how often, analysis results) Biosecurity measures Fish farm has fance (enter to the farm under control) Limited enter people who does not work on it, and to animals) Desinfection in place/ not in place (how often) Veterinary surveillanse- animal health protection VHS/ IHN SVC KHV

Highlights of WG discussions: Tasks 2/3: Surveillance design (passive surveillance) WG1WG2 3. Clear chain of reporting described 4. Allocation of incentives for responsible owners 5. Introduction of rendom controls at the 5% of farms/year 6. Conduction of targeted education and media campaign 7. Development of the IS? WG3 There is contract with veterinarian in place, on animal health protection Veterinarian regulary visit the farm Presence of evidence on treating/ cure of animals Owner know legal obligations and benefits (yes/ no) Keeping the evidence - mortallity and changes of animal health and behaviour on farm - Trade (buying/ selling – origin of animals) - Last case of disease in farm (anamnestic data, data from the owner) VHS/ IHN SVC KHV

Conclusions of WG discussions Reached a consensus on pathogen list, criteria and goals of surveillance Different approach taken by different groups, each has very useful contribution Details will be provided to IC1 (Nihad), TCDC 1 (Sabina), NC 1 (Vladimir) and will be integrated in the surveillance design and manual Good recommendations targetting both veterinarians and producers - these could be subject for National Workshops Try to improve the organization of the next workshop based on your recommendations and evaluation of Workshop 1 There are still 5 regional workshops and 5 national workshops – there is ample opportunity for participation Recommendations on other issues, some of them can be taken up within the current TCP, some of them – we will assist in finding solutions through other means All materials generated during Workshop 1 will be distributed in a USB

Task 4: Time-line for Achieving Output 4 (Surveillance) ActivitiesJuly-Sept 2013 Oct-Dec 2013 Jan-Mar 2014Apr-June 2014 July-Sept 2014 Workshop Report and Certificate to participants Aug Surveillance design, manual and AAH website Aug (1 st draft)Oct (2 nd draft) Apr (3 rd draft) Aug (Final draft) Pilot testing and report Aug (carp) Bosnia Serbia Croatia Macedonia Mar (trout) Croatia, Serbia Bosnia Macedonia Montenegro AAH website and follow-up workshops AugDiagnostics (Oct, Bosnia) Emergency Response (Apr, Macedonia) Aqua Promotion (Jul, Montenegro)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH TCP/RER/3402 Assisting Western Balkan Countries to Improve Compliance with International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Belgrade, Serbia, Hotel Best Western M, 16 July 2013