Colonial Society
Trade laws in the colonies Mercantilism Minimize imports Encourage manufacturing Tributary colonies Providing raw materials New English markets Navigation Acts Shipping laws Entrepots Colonial exports
The Caribbean The Caribbean Islands Sugar Cane Rum Labor issues White indentured servants Disease Intensive labor Slave labor
Southern Colonies (MD, VA, NC, SC, GA) Lifestyles Tidewater Plantations Cash crops TobaccoOverproduction Circumventing the law “Plantation duty” “Plantation duty”Smuggling Decline in the market
Lifestyles for the Backcountry Piedmont Small farms Conflicts with the Natives Sir William Berkeley Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon
Example of conflict: The Carolinas South Carolina (plantations/city trade) Lifestyles Cash crops Rice, indigo Disease Overseers and slaves North Carolina (backcountry) Lifestyles Small farming/trading
Maryland and Virginia Trading tobacco Imports Tobacco currency Lifestyles “Southern hospitality” Indebtedness Discounts and interest
New England Colonies (NH, MA, RI, CT) ClimateLifestyles Small farmers Large extended families Whaling & fishing Merchants “Yankee traders” “Yankee traders” Triangle trade routes-Royal African Co. of England “Middle passage” Loose packing vs. tight packing
Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692) A Commonwealth/Puritan mentality Abandoning Primogeniture Reverend Samuel Parris Elizabeth Parris & Abigail Williams Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Bridget Bishop Tituba
Dominion over New England James II Sir Edmund Andros The Glorious Revolution William and Mary Mass. becomes a royal colony