Teaching 101 by San Luster and Kassie Williams Contacts: Debbie McAdams, Executive Director Victoria Greer, Director of Instruction Marc Hayes, Director of Compliance
WELCOME Step One: Please sign in and complete the index card. On the index card, write your name, where you teach, what you teach, and your years of experience. Place index card in labeled blue tray Step Two: Pick a number and sit at the corresponding table. Step Three: Complete name tag and print name on both sides—Fold corners opposite ways and the tag will stand. Step Four: Please look at PowerPoint for today’s agenda/schedule.
Agenda First Day of School Classroom Procedures and Rules Student Agenda Parent Communication (positive) Grading Organization (paperwork, IEP’s) Lesson Planning Teaching Strategies/Activities
First Day of School Set the tone Class Contract Multiple Choice test about teacher
Classroom Procedures and Rules Democratically develop a set of rules and consequences. 1. Jointly develop class rules based on expectations and needs. 2. Discuss logical consequences. 3. Display the rules and consequences prominently. Adapted from: Canter, Lee. (2001). Assertive discipline: positive behavior management for today’s classroom. Canter & Associates, vi, 234.
Student Agenda MONTHLY/WEEKLY CALENDAR Write very important dates to students Dance Football/Cheerleading practice Holidays (Spring Break) Here are a few ideas: Academic information Project due dates Study sessions dates Teacher help session dates Paper due dates Homework assignments OTHER USES Use a large paper clip or rubber band to mark the current month/week. Use a highlighter to mark test dates and another color to highlight project/paper due dates. Write owner’s name either on the cover or inside cover. Include a phone number. If planner is lost, owner can be easily identified and contacted. Read more at Suite101: How to Use a Student Planner: Assignment Notebook Strategies to Use a Student Planner: Assignment Notebook Strategies
Parent Communication (Positive) Newsletter Homework Communication Questionnaires Web Page
Grading Rubrics Subjective judgments Scoring guidelines Category 4321 Mathematical Concepts Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written. Working with Others Student was an engaged partner, listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout the lesson. Student was an engaged partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively. Student cooperated with others, but needed prompting to stay on-task. Student did not work effectively with others.
Lesson Planning To begin, ask yourself three basic questions: Where are your students going? How are they going to get there? How will you know when they've arrived?
Organization (Paperwork, IEP’s) IEP calendar Re-evaluation calendar IEP/Re-evaluation spreadsheet
Teaching Strategies/Activities 15 minute rotations Classroom Rules & Procedures Lesson Planning Grading Bell Ringers Strategies and Activities for the classroom (When the music plays, move to the next station)
Resources Canter, Lee. (2001). Assertive discipline: positive behavior management for today’s classroom. Canter & Associates, vi, html html