1 Update from ERCOT Retail Market Services to TAC January 9, 2003
2 Retail Market Update Topics –GISB 1.4 Update –Texas Set Version 1.5 –ERCOT Data Transparency –ERCOT Registration/QRE Team Transition Update –Move-In/Move-Out Task Force –Market Synchronization Activities –Resettlement Update
3 GISB 1.4 Update
4 GISB EDM 1.4 Migration Update Connectivity Testing with Market Participants has started –HTTPS/MPCS/FTP Replacement Testing with Sharyland, Occidental, and Tenaska has completed Awaiting a migration date from Release Management –GISB EDM 1.4 AEP, Exolink, Green Mountain, Oncor, and TXU are currently in progress. ERCOT is correcting a network configuration issue, which is delaying the completion of the connectivity testing.
5 GISB 1.4 Update RMS agreed at August meeting to move forward with implementing GISB 1.4 at ERCOT Internal testing and implementation of a GISB 1.4 interface (PR-20134) at ERCOT is complete TDTWG has surveyed market participants in order to finalize migration readiness dates –Preliminary migration schedule reviewed at TDTWG –Market Participant migration will begin week of ; ERCOT will work individually with participants in any change of date for testing and migration. –Goal is to complete migration by April 1, 2003
6 Texas Set V.1.5
8 Market Project Status Summary – Exolink provides EDI services for: Republic, TCE, Calpine, Entergy Retail, Entergy Disco, GEXA Systrends provides EDI services for: Sheryland, Tenaska, Occidental EC Power provides EDI services for: AEP A-REP, SmartEnergy, Just Energy ESG provides EDI service provider for: ACN Energy, Cirro Group, Coral Energy Markets, Dynegy, Sempra Energy Solutions, Tractebel Energy Markets, UBS Warburg, Tara Energy
9 Project Status Summary DESIGN BUILD INTERNAL TEST Spark Energy Utility Choice Energy ERCOT TXU ES Republic XERS First Choice Power Certain Power TNMP CenterPoint AEP A-REP Green Mountain Entergy TDSP Constellation AEP TDSP (Logica) EC Power ESG Exolink 25%50%75%25%50%75% 25%50%75% Nueces San Patricio ONCOR Systrends Reliant Energy Retail STEC Retail
10 Accomplishments/Next Steps Production Implementation Plan has been defined –April 11 th is the planned Production cutover weekend for V1.5 –Schedule for events of cutover weekend has been built for all transactions: Both ERCOT transactions and Point to Point transaction Conference Call schedule during cutover weekend is last step Next Steps –Monthly face to face meetings with market thru April for coordination –Form contingency plans –Policy and procedures dealing with individual MPs
11 ERCOT Data Transparency (ETS)
12 ERCOT Data Transparency ETS Phase I database is beginning to show complete transaction life- cycles as data continues to be successfully loaded –All lost Paperfree transactions were reloaded as of 12/18 A Project was requested to capture transactions submitted through GISB (scheduled production date mid-January) and to correctly report transaction timestamps per Protocol An Impact analysis on TX Set 1.5 changes (scheduled market testing mid-February 2003) will be submitted by the TX Set PM. Currently identifying requirements for the Scorecard concept for statistical summary reporting and for making ETS available to Market Participants (projected mid-2003)
13 ERCOT Registration/QRE Team Transition Update
14 Summary of Quick Recovery Effort 6/10/02 to 12/20/ ,825 ESI IDs submitted. 129,456 ESI IDs resolved. 33,259 ESI IDs are currently “In Progress” 110 ESI IDs are “In Analysis” 0 ESI IDs are in “New Status” Breakdown on the point of failure for resolved ESI IDs: 22,007 cause not reported. 41,713 cause at CR. 31,113 cause at TDSP. 34,623 cause at ERCOT. Quick Recovery Effort
15 QRE Transition Breakdown of “In Progress” ESI IDs: 28,651 awaiting information from (TDSP) 2,695 awaiting information from (CR) 1,913 ESI ID issues transitioned to ERCOT Registration. Effective 12/20/2002 the ERCOT Registration Team assumed responsibility for the resolution of the remaining unresolved ESI ID issues and has began using the QRE Tracking system for all new ESI ID issues submitted to the Registration Team.
16 Registration Update Since transitioning QRE to the Registration Team: 423 new FasTrak issues were received. 418 FasTrak issues were resolved. New/In progress issues have increased by 5 13,028 new ESI IDs have been loaded from FasTrak to the QRE tracking system. 19,250 ESI IDs have been resolved. New/In Analysis/In Progress issues decreased by 6,222
17 Move-In / Move-Out Task Force
18 Timelines for approved concepts ERCOT Monitoring –Cancelled with Exception ERCOT System Impact Analysis due 1/8/2003 –Rejects In Analysis Date Reasonableness Implemented 12/19/2002 Pending 814_06s ERCOT will implement short-term fix by 1/31/2003 Retired ESI Ids Version 1.6 Invalid ESI ID retry ERCOT System Impact Analysis due 1/8/2003
19 MIMO Workshop Progress –33 Concepts have been discussed 13 Concepts were dismissed for various reasons 1 Concept was determined as solved in Version Concepts were combined into other concepts 16 Concepts in Task Force –6 Concepts approved by RMS on 10/16 –3 Concepts approved by RMS on 11/14 –2 Concepts approved by RMS on 12/18 –5 Concepts are currently tabled until additional information can be obtained
20 Market Synchronization Activities
21 Objective –Address market issues resulting in an out of sync “Rep of Record” between ERCOT, TDSP, and CR systems for all ESI IDs resulting from market startup/processing issues as well as subsequent workarounds Completed –ERCOT identified “Perfect Sync” and “1 Day Perfect” – sent lists to MPs –ERCOT identified out-of-synch categories at Sept 10 th design meeting –Task Force identified additional ESI IDs considered “In Sync” – sent lists to MPs –Task Force prioritized 8 categories based upon potential customer impact –ERCOT has sent priority 1 through 6 out-of-sync files to TDSPs and CRs –November 11 th face-to-face meeting to resolve “how to fix” set principles to correct out-of-sync conditions –ERCOT has made relationship corrections to ~101K ESI IDs (priority 1 &2) In Progress –ERCOT compiling and analyzing MP responses to out-of-sync files –ERCOT, TDSPs and CRs making corrections per decisions –ERCOT has still not received responses from some Market Participants –Reporting mechanism has been define and put in place (see excel attachment). Market Synchronization Retailer Synchronization Project
22 Market Synchronization Retailer Synchronization (cont.) Next Steps –Follow-up conference calls for January 2003 to be scheduled –DART process to be refined and functional for completion of out-of-sync conditions –Propose process to complete and close out this project
23 Market Synchronization “TDSP as LSE” Clean-up Objective –Ensure that all ESI ID are converted from the “TDSP as LSE” by the time True-Up Settlement of February 2002 begins; which started Completed –ERCOT sent TDSPs list of ESI ID affiliated with “TDSP as LSE” any time after Feb 01, 2002 –All TDSPs have responded to ERCOT original list with suggested corrective action (several iterations of file swapping have taken place) –Approximately 145K ESI IDs had been corrected since August 8, 2002 –1,169 ESI IDs confirmed by TDSPs as active with “TDSP as LSE” past Jan ’02 In Progress –ERCOT is performing clean-up on several ESI IDs with difficult relationship mismatches –ERCOT will provide a lists of ESI IDs to the TDSP requesting they provide all relationship records. ERCOT will then perform reconciliation confirmation to finalize this project.
24 Objective –Make necessary corrections to ensure that >1MW Customers were switched on the correct date in January 2002 Completed Items –Per RMS direction, ERCOT sent lists to each MP for reconciliation: 1,134 ESI Ids (>1 MW) identified by CRs (meeting the April 30 deadline) –CR and TDSP have reached agreement of Service Instance Date for all ESI IDs –1,048 (92%) ESI IDs are corrected – 82 (7%) ESI IDs were agreed not to fix by TDSP and CR – 4 (1%) ESI IDs were identified as retired by the TDSP –ERCOT provided full list to TDSPs and CRs with agreement dates on 11/13/02 Next Steps –Close the project! Market Synchronization Non Price to Beat
25 Status of True-up Settlements Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec April 26, 2003 Date we expect to be back to six month after the trade day True-Up Settlements if current pace of True- ups continue January 9, re-settlements performed to date 154 operating days in operating days in 2002 (Current True-up Operating Day March 26, 2002) December 29, 2003 Date we expect to be back to six month after the trade day True-Up Settlements Contingent on April 01, 2003 re-start of true-up for