San Bernardino Associated Governments Garry Cohoe, Director of Freeway Construction April 13, 2010
What is SANBAG? … and what do we do? PLAN, FUND and BUILD Transportation Systems in San Bernardino County
SANBAG is located in the Historic Santa Fe Depot In San Bernardino An Icon of Transportation Networks
I-215 S: Widening I-10 to Riverside Co. Line I-10: HOV Milliken Ave. to Riverside County Line I-215 N: Widening SR-210 to I-15 SR-210: Widening Highland Ave. to I-10 I-15: Widening Riverside Co. Line to I-215
Interchanges - 38 interchanges - Estimated cost $1.4 billion - Funded by Measure, DIF, Federal, State Live Oak Canyon Interchange, Yucaipa, CA June 2008
Railroad Grade Separations 21 RR Grade Separations Total estimated cost $378.4 Million Funding sources – Measure I, DIF, State, and Federal State Street/University Parkway Grade Separation, North San Bernardino, June 2008
Colton Crossing Rail-to-Rail Grade Separation
Aerial View of Project Area BNSF UPRR
San Bernardino Associated Governments Redlands Passenger Rail Project
Challenge: Freight Movement
Source: US Department of Transportation Intermodal Freight – Number 1 Route in the USA
44% of nation’s containerized imports enter the U.S. through LA/LB ports 90% of cargo that leaves Southern California passes through San Bernardino County
Challenge: Transportation Funding Measure I Revenue Dropped by Approximately 28 % Since 2006
Source: Caltrans, California Transportation Plan to 2025
Good Things Do Happen in Bad Times
Good Things Do Happen… American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Stimulus $180 Million For San Bernardino County Transportation Projects
$ 128 million for I-215
Interstate 215 Widening Widening between Orange Show Road and University Parkway Add one general use lane and one carpool lane in both directions – bringing total of five lanes in each direction Estimated completion by 2013 Total project cost – Approximately $700 million Key Stimulus Funding Project
More Good Things to Come
210 Landscaping 4 construction projects in Fontana, Rialto, and San Bernardino Construction Contracts to be advertised Summer 2010, Spring 2011, Late 2011 and Summer 2012 Engineer’s Estimate $5M per project 210 Landscaping 4 construction projects in Fontana, Rialto, and San Bernardino Construction Contracts to be advertised Summer 2010, Spring 2011, Late 2011 and Summer 2012 Engineer’s Estimate $5M per project
I-10 Westbound Construction Contract to be advertised in Spring 2010 Engineer’s Estimate $38M I-10 Westbound Construction Contract to be advertised in Spring 2010 Engineer’s Estimate $38M
SR 60 Soundwall in Chino between Ramona Ave and Pipeline Ave Construction Management RFP Late 2010 Construction Contract to be Advertised Early 2011 Engineer’s Estimate $750K
Grade Separations ProjectConstruction Management RFQ Advertisement for Construction Engineer’s Estimate for Construction Project North MillikenCurrently Advertised Fall 2010$44M Hunts Lane√Fall 2010$28M Palm AveEnd 2010Spring 2011$33M LenwoodSpring 2011Fall 2011$23M
I-10 Cherry and Citrus Interchanges RFQ for Construction Management Early 2011 Advertise for a Construction Contract Mid 2011 Citrus IC Engineer’s Estimate $47.2M Cherry IC Engineer’s Estimate $61.5M Citrus IC Cherry IC
I-10 Tippecanoe Interchange Construction Management RFP Late 2011 Construction Contract to be advertised in Spring/Summer 2012 Engineer’s Estimate $33M
Caltrans Advertisement, Award, & Administration (AAA) of Construction Contracts
PROS: One-Stop Shopping Claims Avoidance Caltrans Knowledge, Experience, & Expertise Simpler Administration Process Reduced RTPA Liability Caltrans Fronts Expenditures
CONS: RTPA Does Not Control Cash Flow RTPA Does Not Have Final Decision Making Authority Less Caltrans Flexibility Controlling/Monitoring Caltrans Support Cost Caltrans Process Delays
For More Information Call SANBAG, (909) Visit