November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 1 ARC Closing Report Date: Authors:
November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 Submission Abstract This document is the closing report for ARC SC, November 2014, San Antonio meeting Mark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 2
November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 3 Work Completed Architecture work –Reviewed “Distribution System Access Facility” concept, as ‘upper part’ of an AP (between the STA and the DS) Need similar understanding for mesh STAs, and various types of ‘relays’ –Discussed proposal to make DS_SAP normative; move Annex R into a main-body clause Would be helpful to also show Portal to anything other than 802.3, like or Annex Q also needs work to align terminology –Discussed REVmc’s Figure 5-1, and clarifying the arrows in the role-specific following figures. MIB Design Pattern work item –Good concepts being discussed, but work is moving slowly –Consider a two-track approach, to provide specific guidance to TGs actively doing amendments, and “boil the ocean” on a separate track
November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 4 Work Completed (con’t) IETF/802 coordination update –No news Joint meeting with TGak, and –Discussed coordination of project dates between REV, ak, 802.1Qbz and 802.1AC –Concepts shared between REV and 802.1AC are generally agreed and stable –Concepts shared between ak and 801.1AC are still being formulated, and will be subject of joint discussions in January
November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 5 Teleconference(s) None
November 2014doc.: IEEE /1524r0 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Spectralink, Corp.Slide 6 January 2014 Plans Two standalone meeting slots planned: –Design Pattern for MIB attribute use – Architecture topics: DSAF, DS_SAP, Figure 5-1 et seq –IETF/802: CAPWAP, PAWS As needed –IEEE 1588, if needed. One joint session with TGak –11ak architecture discussions