Promoting Mental Health Improvement Module 2 Exploring mental health
Learning aims To explore: values and attitudes – further thoughts benefits of positive mental health risk factors to mental health protective factors investing in mental health. 1.
Promoting mental health improvement Addressing stigma associated with mental health issues Valuing and meeting psychological needs Raising awareness of risks and protective factors 2.
The importance of mental health improvement Mental health problems account for one third of morbidity and disability in Scotland Wider cost to Scotland £8 billion Prevention and recovery is possible Positive wellbeing is a protective factor Improving mental health brings benefits to all 3. Audit Scotland. (2009). Overview of Mental Health Services. Edinburgh.
Benefits of positive mental health Healthier lifestyles Better physical health Improved recovery from illness Fewer limitations in daily living Higher educational attainment Greater productivity, employment and earnings Better relationships More social cohesion Better quality of life 4. Friedli. (2009). Mental Health, resilience and inequalities. WHO, Cophenhagen.
Mental health and psychological wellbeing Self-acceptance Positive relationships Environmental mastery Autonomy Purpose in life Personal growth (Ryff, 1989; Ryff and Keyes, 1996.) 5.
Risk factors to mental health Poverty and deprivation Financial insecurity Emotional problems Relationship problems Poor social networks and support Unmet psychological needs History of mental health problems 6.
Poverty and deprivation – impact on mental health 7. Children in poverty: Child with poor emotional well being has lowest educational outcomes Children in poverty: Child with positive emotional well being has better educational outcomes Richer children Richer children do better regardless of emotional or cognitive capability
Impact of economic downturn Financial stress trebles risk of anxiety and depression Rates of depression have increased since start of economic crisis Rise in unemployment leads to poorer quality of life Social cohesion reduced as services withdrawn 8.
Protective factors – individual Feeling safe Self-determination Financial security Resilience and problem-solving skills Feeling in control 9.
Protective factors – individual 2 Confiding relationships Access to social networks Meaningful activity and roles Creativity Spirituality 10.
Protective factors – community Social capital: networks, supports and resources Stable and supportive environment Participation and influence: local democracy Cultural life Tolerance and trust 11.
Protective factors – community 2 Opportunities for lifelong learning Amenities and services Hopefulness Opportunity for arts and creative activities Access to faith groups 12.
Protective factors – workplace and/or education Feeling safe, not bullied or harassed Effort/reward balance Ability to make decisions Opportunities for development and learning 13.
Protective factors – workplace and/or education 2 Job/task control Reasonable adjustments Social support – vertical and horizontal Respect for diversity 14.
Protective factors – wider society Socio-economic conditions: income, financial security Economic stability Participation and influence Absence of marked social and economic inequalities 15.
Protective factors – wider society Tolerance and trust Absence of discrimination Tolerance and respect for diversity National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well-Being: Addressing Mental Health Inequalities in Scotland – equal minds. (2005).
Protective activities Learning Healthy living Diet Physical activity Meaningful activity Volunteering Creativity Work Social groups 17.
Investing in mental health Supporting parents Supporting lifelong learning Improving working lives Supporting positive mental health Supporting communities Friedli and Parsonage. (2007). Mental health promotion: building an economic case. 18.