Surfing 10/31/2015
Lieutenant James King of the British Roil Navy was the first to document surfing on a trip to Hawaii. His entry in his diary is the earliest written account of surfing. The art of surfing upright on long boards was certainly perfected if not invented in Hawai'i. Surfing is deeply rooted into the Hawaiian culture. But when the missioners from Europe came to the Islands they didn’t like surfing and Band the people form doing it. They thought it was a sin to surf and play instead of working
Surfing wasn't dead in the Hawaiian Islands in the turn of the 20 th century but it was drowning, along with most Hawaiian customs. The population of surfers in Hawaii grew slowly due to the efforts of writers and a man by the name of Duke Kahanamoku. Duke Kahnamoku was an Olympic gold medalist a fast swimmer and a legendary surfer. In the 1920s surfing was catching on in popularity in California as more books and movies were made about this fun sport.
When World War II occurred much of the surfing activity in California was stopped. But tens of thousands of men who came to Hawaii to serve there country and they saw surfing in all its glory. When the war ended they brought surfing all over the east and west cost of the U.S.
Famous Surf Spots 1 Jaws 2 Pipe line 3 Wyamaya Bay 4 Choepo
World War II created advancements in the plastics industry and Bob Simmons was able to put this to use by creating the first balsa and fiberglass covered surfboard in the late 1940's. By the 1950's Dale Velzy opened California's first surfboard shop in Manhattan Beach. Soon after, surfing exploded in popularity as more and more shops started popping up around the U.S. Today there are more than 10 different brands of clothing and surf boards like ONEIL and Rusty
Step1 Get a board. Step2 paddle out to the sandbar Step3 paddle with a wave towards the shore and as you fell the wave lifting the back of the board you stand up and lean back so you don’t do a nose dive Step4 keep your balance until the wave stops or you get to close to shore. Step5 Don’t let your board hit the sand because the fens might be ripped off.
Many people believe that surfing is stress relieving and can lower blood pressure. A lot of business men and women have started to surf after a hard days work. Surfing is fun and for everyone. If your old or not you will enjoy gliding down the face of a wave.