facebook Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is loving the warm water in the Gulf of Mexico WallPhotosMeSourcesBottlenose DolphinLogout View photos of Bottlenose Dolphin (5) Send Bottlenose Dolphin a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Physical Characteristics Gray with Lighter Bellies Length 8-12 ft. Weight lbs. Reproduction Mammals, Gestation Special Features Very intelligent and kind Friends Starfish Octopus Whale Bottlenose Dolphin Happy Earth Day! Do something for the planet today! April 22, 2014 Crab Jellyfish to Bottlenose Dolphin Why can’t we just be friends? Bottlenose Dolphin The Calf wanted to watch a movie tonight, it’s not going to be Jaws! June 12, 2013 Bottlenose Dolphin What did the Dolphin say to it’s dinner? It’s been nice tuna you! October 28, 2012 Bottlenose Dolphin Can’t wait to see Dolphin Tale! September 23, 2011 Bottlenose Dolphin Why is my skin so oily today? Must be something in the water! April 20, 2010 September 14, 2013 Seahorse
Personal Information facebook Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is loving the warm water in the Gulf of Mexico WallPhotosMeSourcesBottlenose DolphinLogout View photos of Bottlenose Dolphin Send Bottlenose Dolphin a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Physical Characteristics Gray with Lighter Bellies Length 8-12 ft. Weight lbs. Reproduction Mammals, Gestation Special Features Very intelligent and kind Photos Habitat: Tropical, Warm Oceans Worldwide Lives With: Pod Mates: Interested in Many Diet: Carnivore Blood: Warm Blooded Motherly Views: Feeds/ Cares for Young for 6 Months Migration: Weather Dependent Interests: Swimming, Breaching, Eating, Squeaking/ Whistling Favorite Foods: Mullet, Mackerel, Herring, Cod, Squid, Shrimp Phobias: Great White Sharks, Orcas, Humans, Pollution Favorite Movies: Dolphin Tale, Dolphin Tale 2, Aquamarine, Soul Surfer : The Road Not Taken, From Russia With Love, Marlborough, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Fun Fact: I am a fast swimmer and can breach up to 16 feet. The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Birthday Party Updated two months ago Why I’m Endangered Worldwide, dolphins face a variety of impacts that threaten their existence. These threats are mainly a result of human activities. In recent history the Baiji, also known as the Yangtze river dolphin, was declared extinct, it's river habitat seriously impacted by the construction of dams and boat traffic. Endangered dolphins like the Maui's dolphin are on the brink of extinction due to entanglement in fishing gear. The Maui's, a sub-species of the Hector's dolphin found in the waters of New Zealand, teeters on the brink with estimates suggesting less than 100 of these dolphins remain in existence. Dolphins are also faced with other threats such as pollution of the environment, climate change, and commercial harvest.
facebook WallPhotosMeSourcesBottlenose DolphinLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Bottlenose Dolphin 5 Photos Bottlenose Dolphin’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos Birthday Party 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Bottlenose Dolphin is loving the warm water in the Gulf of Mexico
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