Current situation and challenges facing the Tourist Industry in Bulgaria Which policies for the trade unionism in tourist sector in the future?
Current situation and challenges facing the Tourist Industry in Europe Tourism, directly and indirectly, accounts for around 10% of European GDP and 20 million jobs. Tourism can be a tool to support or drive regeneration and economic development as well as enhancing the quality of life of visitors and communities. European countries recorded in excess of 440 million visitor arrivals in An even greater amount of tourism activity occurs in the form of domestic tourism and day trips. The Tourism industry has a special relationship with the environment and the development of the society relations. This is because of its unique dependency on quality environment, cultural distinctiveness and social interaction. Making tourism more sustainable will contribute significantly to the sustainability of European society.
Current situation and challenges facing the Tourist Industry in Bulgaria The tourism industry in Bulgaria is one of the core pillars of the local economy and is facing serious challenges. Tourism supports 3.81% of the total employment in Bulgaria, amounting to more than jobs. Therefore the need to secure business not only through competitive prices but also through excellent service is paramount. When an employer invests in training and excellent working conditions for his employees, he will be investing in his own enterprise. For all stake holders to succeed in our goals we must re-introduce the service culture.
Key challenges for the tourism industry Challenge 1: Reducing the seasonality of demand Challenge 1: Reducing the seasonality of demand Challenge 2: Tourism transport Challenge 2: Tourism transport Challenge 3: Maintaining and enhancing community prosperity and quality of life Challenge 3: Maintaining and enhancing community prosperity and quality of life Challenge 4: Minimizing resource use & production of waste Challenge 4: Minimizing resource use & production of waste Challenge 5: Conserving and giving value to natural Challenge 5: Conserving and giving value to natural Challenge 6: Making holidays available to all 1 Challenge 6: Making holidays available to all 1 Challenge 7: Improving the Quality of Tourism Jobs Challenge 7: Improving the Quality of Tourism Jobs
OVERVIEW OF EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING RELATIONS OF TOURIST INDUSTRY IN BULGARIA Very long transition to market economy; Decrease of the employment rate - from 4 million employed to 2.3 million; Liquidation of huge number of state-owned enterprices and property diversification – a quick privatization in tourist sector. High specifity rate of the working organization - seasonal work, part- time employment, frequent working shifts, extra hours work; High share of “black” and illegal employment; Non reglamentated rests between the shifts and lack of annual leaves; Impossibility to iniciate collective bargainings and to sign Collective agreements in the tourist branch.
Main characteristics in the labour and trade union relations in tourist industry in Bulgaria The fix-assets in bulgarian tourist industry are 100% private property with big influence of illegal capitals; A special characteristic in the tourist sector in Bulgaria is the large diversification of the property – from very big touristic complex on the Black sea cost and mountains to small country hotels, restaurants and coffee-shops; Presence of big number of new built tourist resorts; A big number of newly appeared tourist property owners and dealers of without professional knowledge and experience
Main characteristics in the labour and trade union relations in tourist industry in Bulgaria The level of trade union density in the tourist sector in Bulgaria is average to 5%; Trade union members – 1270; Three trade union organizatons in: - Sunny Beach Black sea resort; - Albena Black sea resort; - Prophylaxys, rehabilitation and recreation Plc – Sofia.
Main problems for trade union organization in tourist branch in Bulgaria Impossibility to establish effective social dialogue and lack of negotiations for CLAs; Very low level of salaries, social insurance and unsufficient payment for the extra hours and the work at night shifts; Extremely seasonal employment; Underestimation of the real needs for trainning, formation and re- qualification skills of the employed in the tourist industry; Existence of many, but not representative employers organizations.