Model School-Based Dental Sealant Program in Arlington: SMILES – Sealing Molars Improves Life of Every Child Sally Hopper Executive Director Dental Health for Arlington Arlington, Texas Texas Oral Health Summit: Advocacy, Equity & Access Austin, Texas September 9-10, 2004
DENTAL HEALTH ARLINGTON Mission: To provide preventive and pain relieving dental services for low-income residents, And to educate children about good oral health.
SMILES School-based Preventive Dental Program SMILES stands for Sealing Molars Improves the Life of Every Student Started in 1993 as a pilot project as a result of a community needs assessment
Only schools with 50% or more of their students on the Federal Free Meals Program are served
Low-income Schools in Arlington and Mansfield Were Served 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Graders Received Oral Health Education 7,459 Children Received Oral Health Education 5,877 Sealants were Applied on 1,947 2 nd and 3 rd Grade Students
Smiles Screenings Initially Found: 16% of the children screened had pain, swelling or infection present at the time of screening 61% of the children screened had untreated decay
By Screenings Showed: Severe tooth decay had been cut in half from what it was in the beginning More than half of the students presented with visually healthy mouths at the time of screening
Brighter Smiles in the Future OHI was given to 1st Graders in In , those children will be given oral screenings in 2 nd grade SMILES hopes to show that early educational intervention decreases decay rates even further
Funding Sources United Way Tarrant County Hospital District City of Arlington (CDBG) Medicaid, for sealant placement Numerous small grants from a variety of foundations SMILES annual budget is approximately $120,000
Start Up Expenses Portable dental equipment ($6,000) Large number of mirrors and explorers Two curing lights Travel bins OHI kits, typodonts, large toothbrushes, etc.
Successful Solutions Getting Started: Think Small (but Smart) Establish a Verifiable Need Do Democracy Be Very Cautious of the Partners You Choose Set a Firm Foundation
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