Chapter 2 PERSONALITY OVERVIEW Many different perspectives OR THEORIES Transfer the P.P.’S to the Graphic Organizers Genetics and environment are factors.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2 PERSONALITY OVERVIEW Many different perspectives OR THEORIES Transfer the P.P.’S to the Graphic Organizers Genetics and environment are factors Several key figures and core concepts that will be on the Final

Objectives Define Personalities and support with Traits Explain Freud's Theory including the Angle vs. Devil Create the Iceberg in your Cornell Notes Analyze and give examples of ego defense mechanisms (6)

Objective #1 Personality is=Consists of the psychological qualities that bring continuity to an individual (you) in different situations and at different times. Pattern of behavior, mannerisms, emotions, thoughts, over TIME The personality THEORIES are big picture ideas about a persons thoughts and behaviors

Traits habitual ways of thinking, behaving, feeling F.E.= shy, outgoing, hostile, gloomy, confident, ambitious, etc.

Personality Breakdown Traits

#1 PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORIES Late 1800’s French physician Jean Charcot Made Hysteria go away through hypnosis Lot of people studied him including… Sigmund Freud ( ) Doctor, Vienna Freud studies Charcot, fails at hypnotizing subjects. Need new way to understand and treat mysterious illnesses…LISTENS

Sigmund Freud

Freud: Terms to Know Psychoanalytic theory- Term for Freud’s explanation of personality and mental disorders Psychoanalysis- is the system of treatment for disorder Unconscious- Hidden part of the mind (instincts, motives, impulses, conflicts)

Structure of Personality Objective #2 Freud named this drive Eros (Greek God of Love) Libido- Energy behind the drive (Latin for Lust) Freud pictures two antagonistic parts Devil and Angel

Good vs. Evil

Personality Structure 3 pieces Freud pictures two antagonistic parts 1 st Segment= ID- Primitive, unconscious. Acts like a child, instant gratification. Sexual, physical, emotional pleasure. Present at birth

2 ND Segment Ego- Conscious, rational portion of mind Must gratify (ID) AND follow rules (S.E) For example- Want to speed (id) But Do not want a ticket (S.E.) So speed a little (Ego)

3 rd segment Superego- Mind’s police force= Values, Morals Learned from parents, society Angle/Devil…Feels good vs. what’s right

Objective #3 Draw and label the ID., EGO, SUPEREGO

Freud’s Model of Personality Structure

When EGO IS threatened….

Ego Defenses…Yeah but Deals with conflict between ID= What U WANT and S.E.=Parent, guilty and shame when break the rules Many examples of EGO defense mechanisms

Ego Defenses 1.Repression- Unacceptable thoughts and feelings from awareness. Blocked from consciousness 2. Denial- “I don’t have a problem” “It Can’t Happen to me” Avoids difficult situation by NOT acknowledging it Alcoholics, child molesters

Ego defensives 3. Reaction Formation- Low self esteem; F.E. Person aroused by erotic images says “Pornography is DISGUSTING!” 4. Displacement- Boss makes you made, Cuss out husband OR kick the dog. 

More Ego Defenses 5. Regression- Cry, throw things, wet pants. 6. Projection- “You started it”

Summaries Parts of Personality theories such as traits Freud's 3 parts of personality Defense Mechanisms