WP6: Static Analysis Presented by Flemming Nielson Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Technical University of Denmark at the 3nd review of DEGAS in April 2005
fully automatic and hidden from the user The DEGAS view: WP5, WP6 sequence diagrams class diagrams activity diagrams UML design security features stochastic features Markov model static analysis model in process calculus extraction reflection
Objectives of WP6 Comparing and finding new language abstractions to design global applications (D9 month 12) Enhancing understanding and applicability of static analysis for global computing systems (D11 month 24, D14 month 33) New models and techniques for integrated qualitative and security analysis statically Proof-of-concepts implementations to validate the above treatment (D19 month 24).
Language Abstractions Within DEGAS we have considered analysis of ambient calculi (for access control) π-calculi (for access control and performance) LySa (network security and performance) An overview of language abstractions are in D9: Basic Static Mechanisms of Process Algebras for Global Applications
Basics of Static Analysis Characterising the behaviour: Actual behaviour Static analysis (over-approximation) Model checking / Theorem Proving (under-approximation)
Enhancing Static Analysis Network security LySa and its static analysis Access control π-calculus and Enhanced Operational Semantics Discussed in D11 Models and Techniques for Static Analysis D14 Final Report on Static Analysis
Analysis of LySa Protoco l Actual behaviour Over-approximation Attacker + Static analysis Hardest attacker
Prototype: the LySatool LySaSolutionConstraints Constraint solving Constraint generation Annotated with authentication properties In Alternation Free Least Fixed-point logic Includes violations of authentication properties Details are in D19 Static Analysers The LySatool in integrated in Choreographer The LySatool is available on the internet:
LySa Durring the Thrid Year Developed a technique for tracking replay attacks Implemented analysis of infinite scenarios Improved efficiency of the LySatool to cater for industrial size protocols Improved usability (input/output capabilities of the LySatool) Discovered unknow security issues in Classical security protocols (Beller-Chang-Yacobi ’93, Bauer-Bereson-Feiertag ’83) Modern protocol standards (OASIS) Case studies (D26)
Enhanced Static Analysis Corrado, Pierpaolo, or Chiara: Please provide a slide (or two) with information about your contribution in D14
Integrating Security and Performance Analysis Supported by performance analysis using: PEPA – for timing attacks (facilitated by Choreographer) EOS for protocol performance / effort spent on attacks Performance analysis Not OK OK Design and analysis process Static security analysis Redesign protocol Protocol in LySa
Self-evaluation of WP6 Positioning with respect to state of the art S1: Strong indicator for discovery of a new class of flaw in a protocol published in the literature W1: Weak indicator for application to key exchange protocol for DEGAS case study Comparison with competing approaches S2: Strong indicator for clarifying the fundamentally different behaviours of model checking and static analysis as regards protocol validation W2: Weak indicator for termination properties of our analysis approach W2: Weak indicator for allowing to use model checking to validate the flaws reported by static analysis.
Self-evaluation of WP6 Usability and explotation perspectives S3: Strong indicator for hardening the design of the analysis tool so that also educated users outside of the research group (mainly MSc-students) are able to use the analysis tool. W4: Weak indicator on the ability to analyse the OASIS protocol for Single Sign On. W5: good progress towards weak indicator based on the UML to LySa extractor S6: Strong indicator for the ability to teach the analysis method to advanced MSc-students and PhD-students that subsequently can use it for projects.