Social Studies An Introduction to the Strands BY: Jeanette Campbell Bill Larger
American Heritage What is it that makes us Americans? What common experiences, traditions, habits do we share? How have we been shaped by U.S. geography, political & economic systems? Influences of other cultures?
American Heritage Exploring the “Underground Railroad” movement that helped slaves flee the South. Visit the USAF Museum Early Years Gallery. This site presents information onSerpent Mound.
American Heritage This site contains fundamental documents on Ohio history. This site offers resources on Ohio settlers, ethnic groups, and tribes.
American Heritage Activities Students will take a field trip to Carrilon Park. Students will present an oral presentation on a historical figure in Ohio’s history. Students will work in small groups researching and creating a time line of state events.
American Heritage Activities Students will prepare a written book report on an individual or event that was significant to Ohio’s history. Students will create clay maps to demonstrate geographical influences after reading, Flatboats on the Ohio: Westward Bound...
People in Societies The U.S. encompasses many different racial, ethnic, & religious groups. How do we appreciate the contributions of each other? How do we work together for the common good?
People in Societies This site offers information on people who have influenced Ohio history. Explore Social and Cultural history of Mormon religion in Ohio regions. This site presents a timeline of native occupant of Ohio.
Peoples in Societies Activities Field trip to see outdoor drama of “Blue Jacket”. Students will select a culture and present the cultures contributions to Ohio’s history. Students will create maps revealing the location of various Indian tribes.
People in Societies Activities Field trip to Amish farm. Students will journal (compare & contrast) this culture to their own culture. Students will research Booker T. Washington and his contributions to society.
How do we interact with the people of the world? How do we represent ourselves in this global world? What activities create or reflect contacts with the rest of the world? World Interactions
This site offers information of Ohio’s characteristics and qualities. rockunits.html This site offers information on Ohio’s geological timeline. This site offers maps, tables and databases on Ohio history.
World Interactions Thematic U.S. maps describing agriculture and natural resources. faces.html This site will provide topographic maps: what they are, how to read symbols and more.
World Interactions Activities Explore the links people make around the world as they attempt to address common problems. How do activities here create or reflect contacts with the rest of the world? How do we respond to challenges of acting in an interdependent world?
World Interactions Activities Students will interact with Electronic Touch Point globe. Students will locate cities and landmarks on state road maps; utilizing map keys to interpret map symbols.
World Interactions Activities Students will work in groups to identify factors which influence Ohio’s production. (Rich soil, mineral resources, skilled labor, industrial base, etc.) Students will create clay maps to define characteristic landforms and bodies of water.
Decision Making & Resources The decisions that we make affect everything. What and where are potential resources? How do we use our resources? Do we make good decisions with our resources?
Web Pages The site provides information about Ohio’s resources and how they are used. The site provides access to geo-spatial, topographical and other types of maps. The site discusses the importance of corn in all possible aspects. Decision Making & Resources
Web Pages The site describes the processes involved in steel making and the issues that surround it. The site provides information regarding the use of farming. Decision Making & Resources
Activities Students will create a chart that details the factors and resources used to produce the electricity we use. Students will evaluate what would happen if all cars turned from gasoline to electricity. Students will brainstorm and discuss alternative energy demands for products that use electricity or gasoline. Decision Making & Resources
Activities Students will chart the advantages and disadvantages of the different energies used. Students will choose at random a job with salary and then create a detailed monthly budget. Decision Making & Resources
Democratic Processes Our government and the principles of democracy What is the purpose of our government? How does a democratic government work?
Web Pages The site discusses the history, purpose, and current events of the Ohio National Guard. The site discusses the history and role of the Ohio House of Representatives. The site discusses the history and role of the Ohio Senate. Democratic Processes
Web Pages The site discusses the history, purpose, and information about the Ohio State Patrol. The site contains the Ohio constitution, current and past editions. Democratic Processes
Activities Students will take a field trip to criminal court. The trip will include question and answers with the judge. Students will research and create a government modeled after the state. Students will review and discuss the purpose and reasoning behind proficiency tests. A state representative will visit to discuss the issue. Democratic Processes
Activities Students will be visited by the local National Guard spokesperson to discuss function and purpose. Students will research, discuss, and write about the current laws and regulations of the state, especially any that seem outdated. Democratic Processes
The activities of our lives. How do we work together to achieve a goal? Why is it important to be involved in public affairs in a democratic society? Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities
Web Pages The civil war in Ohio is discussed. Exploring the “Underground Railroad” movement that helped slaves flee the South. The issues surrounding one of Ohio’s last ancient forests is discussed. Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities
Web Pages Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities The various polls of Ohio are discussed. Information regarding all aspects of the Great Lakes.
Activities Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Students will discuss and evaluate the local levy. Students will research and discuss the Lake Erie pollution problem. Students will create a classroom council.
Activities Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Students will review and evaluate local or national election campaigns. Students will discuss the pros and cons of the local curfew ordinance.